In the twenty-first century, many of the influences of the Christian faith have been obscured and belittled by secular and irreligious forces. Among the many arenas of cultural disagreement between Christians and non-Christians is the observance of holidays. For decades, Christmas—one of the most sacred seasons on the Christian calendar—has been one of the numerous arenas of conflict. Few recognize that the cultural icon of Santa Claus is one of the many, many influences of Christianity upon the Christmas season. St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas—How a Christian Pastor Became Santa Claus sketches the transformation of the legacy of a Christian pastor—Nicholas of Myra—into the fictitious Santa Claus. Though his life was historically celebrated on December 6, the caricature of Santa Claus has come to supplant the real purpose of Christmas—the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Following the historical transformation of Nicholas into Santa Claus, readers are invited to return to an appreciation of the true life of Nicholas and the Lord whom he served.St. Nicholas
Described by some participants as one of the most meaningful services in which they have ever participated, A Service of the Cross vividly recounts the biblical truth concerning the need for God’s light of salvation and the necessity of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Dramatic imagery and readings relate the biblical plan of salvation, contrasting the darkness of sin with the light of God’s truth personified in the person of Jesus Christ. The service begins with the procession of the Christ Candle into a darkened setting. As the truth ofRead more...
Throughout the twentieth century, the secular and irreligious forces that helped to produce the ravages around the world have been steadily and aggressively at work eroding America's religious and cultural foundations. Groups, such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), that have arisen out of atheistic Communism have succeeded in cheating America out of the greatest national heritage the world has ever known. But, the historical record is teeming with evidence that refutes the uninformed opinions of liberal judges who have kowtowed toRead more...
So deep and strong was the connection of government to the Christian faith in early America that the relationship was recognized in a variety of ways. Few realize that the United States Capitol was used as a church for years before it was used to convene the United States Congress. For nearly three-quarters of a century, the United States Capitol was used for church services. In fact, it became a meeting place for a number of churches in Washington D.C. While secularists wish to keep this and many other similar historical facts quiet, this facRead more...
In 1809, President James Madison appointed John Quincy Adams as America's first ambassador to Russia. Leaving his oldest son behind in America, Mr. Adams—sensible of his spiritual obligation to his son—began to write a series of letters to help provide basic guidance to his son concerning his son's spiritual disciplines, the importance of Bible study, and it basic teachings. His admonition to his son was, "build upon the Rock" of the Lord Jesus Christ. Though written with their oldest son-George-in mind, Mr. Adams fully intended that theseRead more...
He is perhaps the foremost known author on prayer. Edward McKendree Bounds—named in honor of Methodist bishop, William McKendree—is remembered across denominational and theological lines for his insightful works on prayer. For more than a century, Bounds’ works—such as Power Through Prayer and many others—have been a source of inspiration to generations of ministers and laity alike.
E. M. Bounds, as he is popularly known, was a Confederate chaplain, minister, and editor with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Having attained a position Read more...
Justice David Josiah Brewer
The United States a Christian Nation provides further reflections from the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote the majority opinion on February 29, 1892 (Holy Trinity vs. The United States), calling America a "Christian nation." Providing not only historical evidence for his opinion, Justice David Brewer sets out to provide additional insight into the way America can maintain greatness through the influence of Christianity. Contrary to the liberal desire to deny Christianity any social influence, JuRead more...
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Christian Heritage Fellowship seeks to speak to several specific areas of need. First, we seek to advocate a biblical worldview as opposed to other world religions or secular humanism. Second, our ministry seeks to recover and advocate the truth concerning America’s Christian heritage and the positive influence of Christianity around the world. Finally, it is our desire to provide this information to believers (and non-believers) that they might be inspired to live lives pleasing to God.
Christian Heritage Fellowship seeks to speak to several specific areas of need. First, we seek to advocate a biblical worldview as opposed to other world religions or secular humanism. Second, our ministry seeks to recover and advocate the truth concerning America’s Christian heritage and the positive influence of Christianity around the world. Finally, it is our desire to provide this information to believers (and non-believers) that they might be inspired to live lives pleasing to God.
"Almost all the civil liberty now enjoyed in the world owes its origin to the principles of the Christian religion. Men began to understand their natural rights, as soon as the reformation from popery began to dawn in the sixteenth century; and civil liberty has been gradually advancing and improving, as genuine Christianity has prevailed. By the principles of the Christian religion we are not to understand the decisions of ecclesiastical councils...No; the religion which has introduced civil liberty, is the religion of Christ and his apostles, which enjoins humility, piety and benevolence; which acknowledges in every person a brother, or a sister, and a citizen with equal rights. This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free constitutions of government.