Before school resumes, your church may wish to take the opportunity to demonstrate its appreciation to teacher for their service to the community by honoring them. Consideration may be given to home, public, charter, and other school teachers.

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Related Reading

Remembering the Apostle Paul

Remembering the Apostle Paul

Apostles | June Articles

The Apostle Paul was a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, born at Tarsus in Cilicia. He was initially a great enemy to, and persecutor of the early Christians; but after his miraculous conversion, he became a strenuous supporter of Christianity. At Iconium, Paul and Barnabas were near being stoned to death by the enraged Jews; taking the opportunity they fled to Lyconia. At Lystra, Paul was stoned, dragged out of the city, and left for dead. He, however, revived, and escaped to Derbe. At Philippi, Paul and Silas were imprisoned and whipped, and bRead more...

Remembering the Apostle Peter

Remembering the Apostle Peter


The original name of the Apostle Peter was Simeon or Simon. He received the name Cephas (Aramaic Kepa—"Rock") from Jesus; the Greek translation of Kepa was Petros, hence the translation Peter. His father's name was John (John 1:42), or Jonah (Matthew 16:17), and though he was born in Bethsaida, he lived at Capernaum following his marriage. With his younger brother Andrew, Peter carried on the trade of fisherman. He was a follower of the ministry of John the Baptist, and through Andrew was introduced to Jesus (John 1:41, 42). His home was a Read more...

Remembering the Apostle James, Son of Zebedee

Remembering the Apostle James, Son of Zebedee


Remembering the Apostle James “James” is the name of three important figures of the New Testament: James the son of Alphaeus (also an Apostle of Christ), James the Just (brother of our Lord), and James the brother of John the Apostle and Son of Zebedee, to be consider here.Remembering the Apostle James Biblical Account James, brother of the Apostle John, is often known as “James the Great.” His mother, Salome, was a devoted follower of Jesus (Matthew 26:56; Mark 15:41). He was the older brother of the Apostle John, as is deduced from theRead more...

House Speaker Robert Winthrop Defends the Bible

House Speaker Robert Winthrop Defends the Bible

American History | Bible | Christian Beliefs | Christian Education | Christian History

Robert Charles Winthrop was an American lawyer, politician, and philanthropist who at one point in his political career rose to the office of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Like most who lived during the Founding Era of the United States, Winthrop was concerned about the moral character of America's development. As was characteristic of many Founding Fathers, Winthrop involved himself in the advancement of Christianity in America—particularly through his political influence, oratory, literary endeavors, and the distributRead more...

Remembering the Apostle Thomas

Remembering the Apostle Thomas


The name Thomas, evidently rendered in its Greek form from the Aramaic, means the twin (John 11:16; 20:24; 21:2), and Didymus was taken from a Greek form. We are unable to say with certainty where Thomas was born, but Church tradition suggests that he was born at Antioch and had a twin-sister named Lysia. It may be that Judas was his real name, and that Thomas was a surname.Remembering the Apostle Thomas Biblical Record Concerning Thomas In the Gospel lists of the apostles, Thomas is associated with Matthew (in Matthew 10:3; Mark 3, 18; LRead more...

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Below are listed seasonal articles of interest to believers who understand that living for Christ is a continual, not occasional, privilege. These articles are designed to elevate Christians' appreciation for their faith and deepen their love for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Not since the end of the American Revolution when so many pastors and lay church leaders had given their lives to birth America have Christians in this nation been under such withering and persistent attack. Christian Heritage Fellowship exists for the purpose of identifying and celebrating the glorious heritage of the Christian Church in America and around the world.

* Teacher Appreciation *

* Teacher Appreciation *

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