Results for: "Role of Pastors"


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Thomas Jefferson’s Wall of Separation Letter

American History, January Articles, Role of Pastors, Thomas Jefferson

ListenJanuary 1, 1802 Jefferson's 'Separation' letter On January 1, 1802, Thomas Jefferson penned a letter that has been employed by secularists against America's historic legal foundation. Repeatedly members of the Supreme Court have relied upon secular interpretations of both the writings and personal example of Thomas Jefferson. Employing Jefferson against the previous historic rulings of the Supreme Courts and the Christian foundation of American law, the Supreme Court, since 1947, has relied upon skewed and misinterpreted excerpts taken from the writings of Thomas...Read more... Read more... -->

The Truth about Separation of Church and State

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, December Articles, Role of Pastors

ListenSince 1947, liberal judges have reinterpreted the historical context of the First Amendment that ensured that congress (or the federal government) would not establish a state church or elevate any single denomination over any of the other Christian denominations. America's Founding Fathers regarded the First Amendment as a guarantee that the federal government would not attempt to make any one Christian denomination the dominant and preferred denomination of the nation. Since the late 1940s (and particularly the early-1960s), liberal judges have attempted to use the First Amendment as...Read more... Read more... -->

Did St. Nicholas Wear Red?

December Articles, Role of Pastors

ListenThe strange-looking clothing in which Nicholas is often depicted in Christian and secular art is not what he wore as a pastor. Few know the truth of the life and ministry of Nicholas, and for this reason, those who know anything about him often believe he wore the attire associated with Santa Claus, but he did not.Did St. Nicholas Wear Red The subject addressed in this article is discussed at greater length in St. Nicholas: How a Christian Pastor Became Santa Claus. Christian Heritage Fellowship would be honored to work with individuals, businesses, churches, institutions, or...Read more... Read more... -->

When the United States Capitol Was a Church

American History, December Articles, Role of Pastors

Listen December 4, 1800 Congress Officially Sanctions Church in the United States Capitol Thousands of pieces of evidence exist that deny that America was founded as a secular nation. One reason the denial of America's Christian history has been so successful is because it has waged war against America's true Christian heritage for nearly a century. During this time, secularism has denied, denounced, and defamed America's Christian heroes and heroines and their heroic acts. By denying the truth, they have advocated error and half-truths. One of the greatest challenges facing Christian...Read more... Read more... -->

St. Nicholas—How a Christian Pastor Became Santa Claus

Biographical, Historical, Products, Role of Pastors

Listen $7 @ Amazon Store In the twenty-first century, many of the influences of the Christian faith have been obscured and belittled by secular and irreligious forces. Among the many arenas of cultural disagreement between Christians and non-Christians is the observance of holidays. For decades, Christmas—one of the most sacred seasons on the Christian calendar—has been one of the numerous arenas of conflict. Few recognize that the cultural icon of Santa Claus is one of the many, many influences of Christianity upon the Christmas season. St. Nicholas St. Nicholas—How a Christian Pastor...Read more... Read more... -->

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"I am a Christian. I believe only in the Scriptures, and in Jesus Christ my Savior. "
– Charles Thomson
Secretary of Congress (1774-89)
Rush, Travels through Life, 208
"The brief exposition of the constitution of the United States, will unfold to young persons the principles of republican government; and it is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion. "
– Noah Webster, "Schoolmaster of America"
History of the United States, 6
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