Media Presentation: The Truth About America’s Christian Origin

Throughout the twentieth century, the secular and irreligious forces that helped to produce the ravages around the world have been steadily and aggressively at work eroding America's religious and cultural foundations. Groups, such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), that have arisen out of atheistic Communism have succeeded in cheating America out of the greatest national heritage the world has ever known. But, the historical record is teeming with evidence that refutes the uninformed opinions of liberal judges who have kowtowed to these irreligious anti-American groups.In his media presentation, The Truth About America's Christian Origin, Dr. Stephen Flick—founder of Christian Heritage Fellowship, Inc.—demonstrates how America was Christian from its inception. Relying upon historical documentation, Dr. Flick demonstrates how America's Founding Fathers sought to influence their nation with the Christian principles that they believed alone could make a nation great. Refuting the misinformation of secularists that have characterized Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and others as "deists," Dr. Flick provides primary evidence from the writings of the Founders of their commitment to the principles of Christianity. The facts exhibited in this presentation will never again allow members of the audience to believe that America was founded as a secular nation, but was established as the Founding Fathers intended—as a Christian nation. To schedule a presentation of The Truth About America's Christian Origin at your business, church, conference, or other gathering, please navigate to the speaker request form by clicking the button below. Or, simply email us using the following form: Contact Us.Schedule Speaker

Throughout the twentieth century, the secular and irreligious forces that helped to produce the ravages around the world have been steadily and aggressively at work eroding America's religious and c

When the United States Capitol Was a Church

So deep and strong was the connection of government to the Christian faith in early America that the relationship was recognized in a variety of ways. Few realize that the United States Capitol was used as a church for years before it was used to convene the United States Congress. For nearly three-quarters of a century, the United States Capitol was used for church services. In fact, it became a meeting place for a number of churches in Washington D.C. While secularists wish to keep this and many other similar historical facts quiet, this fact is one of thousands that witnesses to the spiritual heritage America's Founding Fathers have bequeathed to succeeding generations.When the United States Capitol Was a Church will encourage believers to stand upon their Christian heritage and assist them in striving to leave a godly legacy to succeeding generations. Get a copy for yourself and be sure to purchase some for family and friends. ISBN-13: 979-8502131681 NOTE: Sold individually. Postage will automatically be added to sale price. Please email us concerning bulk prices.

So deep and strong was the connection of government to the Christian faith in early America that the relationship was recognized in a variety of ways. Few realize that the United States Capitol wa

St. Nicholas—How a Christian Pastor Became Santa Claus

In the twenty-first century, many of the influences of the Christian faith have been obscured and belittled by secular and irreligious forces. Among the many arenas of cultural disagreement between Christians and non-Christians is the observance of holidays. For decades, Christmas—one of the most sacred seasons on the Christian calendar—has been one of the numerous arenas of conflict. Few recognize that the cultural icon of Santa Claus is one of the many, many influences of Christianity upon the Christmas season. St. NicholasSt. Nicholas—How a Christian Pastor Became Santa Claus sketches the transformation of the legacy of a Christian pastor—Nicholas of Myra—into the fictitious Santa Claus. Though his life was historically celebrated on December 6, the caricature of Santa Claus has come to supplant the real purpose of Christmas—the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Following the historical transformation of Nicholas into Santa Claus, readers are invited to return to an appreciation of the true life of Nicholas and the Lord whom he served.St. Nicholas Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lacus augue, faucibus vel laoreet id, commodo sit amet ipsum. Vestibulum ut eros mi. Nullam consequat luctus orci, vel consequat orci auctor eu. Nunc libero elit, bibendum ut bibendum ut, bibendum in tellus. Aenean turpis est, tristique eleifend consectetur non, ornare viverra eros. Suspendisse viverra aliquam metus, posuere posuere sem egestas a. Ut eleifend massa a sapien bibendum rutrum. Nunc nisi est, euismod ac vestibulum id, ultrices in lectus. Phasellus sem felis, aliquet sit amet dignissim non, elementum sed mi. Proin cursus nibh id lacus ornare imperdiet nec in massa. Proin blandit ipsum a lacus luctus vitae malesuada diam mattis. Nullam at nisi augue. Curabitur at eros sit amet tortor sodales ullamcorper malesuada vel nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent in lacus eget velit mattis rutrum. Sed sed leo a leo ultrices porta eget vitae purus. Nam facilisis neque sed massa vulputate quis condimentum risus luctus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eleifend, sapien quis condimentum dictum, arcu odio rutrum urna, ultricies scelerisque elit leo ac magna. St. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasSt. NicholasChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLink

In the twenty-first century, many of the influences of the Christian faith have been obscured and belittled by secular and irreligious forces. Among the many arenas of cultural disagreement between

The Possibilities of Prayer

He is perhaps the foremost known author on prayer. Edward McKendree Bounds—named in honor of Methodist bishop, William McKendree—is remembered across denominational and theological lines for his insightful works on prayer. For more than a century, Bounds’ works—such as Power Through Prayer and many others—have been a source of inspiration to generations of ministers and laity alike.E. M. Bounds, as he is popularly known, was a Confederate chaplain, minister, and editor with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Having attained a position of editorial leadership in his denomination, he exercised his duties with fidelity to an historical interpretation of Scripture. But, by the end of the nineteenth century, the church in America and throughout Europe was being seduced by the rising influence of Darwinism. Bounds, however, was unwilling to acquiesce to the liberalism that was tutored by the myth of Darwinism and so found himself at odds with the Methodist leadership that was all too eager to renounce the biblical theology of John Wesley.Sharing a common spiritual and theological heritage with E. M. Bounds, Douglas Lane has built upon Bounds’ time-honored work of The Possibilities of Prayer. Douglas has developed a companion study guide or workbook which invites readers to consider more carefully Bounds’ biblical teaching on this important subject. At the end of each chapter, readers will discover study questions, topics for discussion, and a source of biblical references. Christian Heritage Fellowship is proud to partner with Douglas in sending this work to press. We do so with the sincere hope it will be a blessing to God’s people and that it might be used to help initiate an era in which the Church most accurately reflects the character of its Lord. May God make it so! NOTE: Sold individually. Distributed through Amazon and made available when desired by hosts at Christian Heritage events. Please email us concerning bulk prices.

He is perhaps the foremost known author on prayer. Edward McKendree Bounds—named in honor of Methodist bishop, William McKendree—is remembered across denominational and theological lines for his in

Build Upon the Rock: John Quincy Adams’ Letters on the Bible and Its Teachings

In 1809, President James Madison appointed John Quincy Adams as America's first ambassador to Russia. Leaving his oldest son behind in America, Mr. Adams—sensible of his spiritual obligation to his son—began to write a series of letters to help provide basic guidance to his son concerning his son's spiritual disciplines, the importance of Bible study, and it basic teachings. His admonition to his son was, "build upon the Rock" of the Lord Jesus Christ. Though written with their oldest son-George-in mind, Mr. Adams fully intended that these nine letters also be kept and collected for the benefit of "brothers and sisters." Originally published in 1850, the Letters of John Quincy Adams are now once again available in this special presentation edition. Get your copy today! NOTE: Sold individually. Distributed through Amazon and made available when desired by hosts at Christian Heritage events. Please email us concerning bulk prices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lacus augue, faucibus vel laoreet id, commodo sit amet ipsum. Vestibulum ut eros mi. Nullam consequat luctus orci, vel consequat orci auctor eu. Nunc libero elit, bibendum ut bibendum ut, bibendum in tellus. Aenean turpis est, tristique eleifend consectetur non, ornare viverra eros. Suspendisse viverra aliquam metus, posuere posuere sem egestas a. Ut eleifend massa a sapien bibendum rutrum. Nunc nisi est, euismod ac vestibulum id, ultrices in lectus. Phasellus sem felis, aliquet sit amet dignissim non, elementum sed mi. Proin cursus nibh id lacus ornare imperdiet nec in massa. Proin blandit ipsum a lacus luctus vitae malesuada diam mattis. Nullam at nisi augue. Curabitur at eros sit amet tortor sodales ullamcorper malesuada vel nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent in lacus eget velit mattis rutrum. Sed sed leo a leo ultrices porta eget vitae purus. Nam facilisis neque sed massa vulputate quis condimentum risus luctus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eleifend, sapien quis condimentum dictum, arcu odio rutrum urna, ultricies scelerisque elit leo ac magna.

In 1809, President James Madison appointed John Quincy Adams as America's first ambassador to Russia. Leaving his oldest son behind in America, Mr. Adams—sensible of his spiritual obligation to his



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Christian Living in January

Christian Living Articles January Calendar

Whereas the end of each year is usually focused upon Thanksgiving, Christmas, and end-of-year activities, January affords the opportunity for planning for the events of the upcoming year. Much of the local church's calendar should already be planned conceptually, but a concerted effort is needed to assign events to respective individ......

Christian Living in February

Christian Living Articles February Calendar

The calendar used in the West is the result of extended evolution. For the most part, our calendar is the result of the influence of the Greeks and the Romans who followed them. February receives its name from Februa (or Februatio), an ancient purification festival held on February 15 (full moon) under the old lunar Roman calendar......