Until 1947 and following, the Christian religion exercised considerable influence upon the school children of America. In fact, a thorough study of the history of American education will reveal that from the very beginning of English colonization, Bible reading and prayer was an important part of the classroom. The personal writings and official government proceedings of the colonial era through the middle of the twentieth century clearly indicate that America's Founding Fathers never intended for the Christian faith to be pushed from America's classroom or from the public arena in general. Bible as a Schoolbook
Dr. Benjamin Rush
Dr. Benjamin Rush was one of three of the most important Founding Fathers—the other two being George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. Dr. Rush was one of the most deeply committed evangelical leaders of the Founders and exercised considerable influence upon American life prior to and following the American Revolution. In his essay, A Defense of the Use of the Bible as a Schoolbook, Dr. Rush addressed his thoughts on this important matter to Rev. Jeremy Belknap, of Boston. To truly understand how important this matter was to one of the most important Founding Fathers, you too will also wish to read Dr. Rush's essay, A Defense of the Use of the Bible as a Schoolbook.Bible as a Schoolbook
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In August of 1992, Democratic Representative from West Virginia, Mr. Nick Joe Rahall, placed a request before his colleagues in the House to set aside Thanksgiving week as a time to celebrate the Christian heritage of America. Tragically, Christians throughout America have failed to capitalize on what Congress did in 1992. Denominational leaders have failed to move the interests of Christ forward even on those very rare occasions when Congress hands them a gift such as this. For more thanRead more...
The nineteenth century witnessed enormous social concern on the part of Christians throughout America. Volunteer movements of every type arose to apply the ointment of the Gospel to the wounds of the human condition. Alcohol and opiate use were rampant, and from this social ill arose the prohibition movement. In addition, rescue missions and other forms of shelters emerged as immediate solutions to the destitute. In a like manner, Christians of this era sought to provide practical solutions to the numerous social and spiritual needs of a huRead more...
All the signers of the Declaration of Independence suffered financial loss having joined the cause of freedom, and in some cases, they sustained complete fiscal ruin. These men were not alone in their sufferings, for their wives, children, and other family members were similarly objects of British wrath. Absent from historical records, however, are laments on the part of the signers' wives concerning the cause to which their husbands had given their lives and fortunes. As noted by the authors, "Such troubles must have fallen heavily upon theRead more...
It may be argued that the American colonial clergy were the leading influence for American independence. The Protestant Reformation of the authority of Scripture and the priesthood of all believers gave rise to republican governments in lands were the influence of the Reformers took firm hold. In America, the authority of Scripture was often unopposed by church councils or any single church authority. As the influence of the Reformers spread, the role of monarchs was diminished or replaced by republican forms of government, and in the AmericRead more...
Read the historical documents proving that the Founding Fathers did truly create the United States of America based on God and Christian principles.
Read all 50 State Constitutions. Each State did invoke God in their State Constitution.
Read the story about the Continental Congress approving and recommending the Holy Bible (The Aitken Bible) to be printed and distributed throughout the American colonies during the Revolutionary War for American Independence.
Read the truth about the Barbary Treaties. Read the actual treaties which includRead more...
From July 30 to August 4, 1619, the first Representative Legislative Assembly to ever gather in America convened in the church at Jamestown, Virginia. The governor, six counsellors, and twenty burgesses gathered in the choir loft at the east end of the church where Canon law number 82 of the Church of England stipulated...
... that the ten Commandements [sic] be set upon the East ende of every Church and Chapell.
The Bible approved for use within Anglican churches at the time of the Assembly was the Bishops' Bible of 1602. The significance Read more...
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Christian Heritage Fellowship seeks to speak to several specific areas of need. First, we seek to advocate a biblical worldview as opposed to other world religions or secular humanism. Second, our ministry seeks to recover and advocate the truth concerning America’s Christian heritage and the positive influence of Christianity around the world. Finally, it is our desire to provide this information to believers (and non-believers) that they might be inspired to live lives pleasing to God.
"This Congress, therefore, considering the present critical, alarming and calamitous state of these colonies, do earnestly recommend that Thursday, the 20th day of July next, be observed, by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this continent, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer...