Results for: "Other Than Christianity"


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How Thomas Paine Betrayed America

American History, Concepts of God, January Articles, Other Than Christianity, Thomas Jefferson

ListenThomas Paine is often employed by the political left as justification for their false claim that America was established as a secular nation. The facts, however, completely expose their uninformed argument. Click to read the entire article… January 10, 1776 Paine's Common Sense published While Thomas Paine is remembered positively for his contribution to American independence through his book, Common Sense, his contemporary defenders overstate his influence when they credit him as being the primary force of the American cause. His supporters associate Paine's later deistic beliefs...Read more... Read more... -->

Paul Harvey and “The Man and the Birds”

Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living, Concepts of God, December Articles, Other Than Christianity

ListenPaul Harvey reads his Christmas presentation, “The Man and the Birds,” in the audio recording provided below. A written form of this piece is also provided in the block quote. Paul Harvey Aurandt (September 4, 1918 – February 28, 2009), better known to the American public simply as Paul Harvey, was a Christian conservative radio broadcaster for the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) Radio Networks. Throughout the week, Harvey provided news and comment during the mornings and mid-days and noon on Saturdays, but is perhaps most widely known and remembered for "The Rest of the Story"...Read more... Read more... -->

Not Radical, But Real Islam

Islam, Other Than Christianity

Listen September 24, 622 Fleeing from Mecca, Muhammad arrives in Medina Across the political and social spectrums, politicians, preachers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and a host of other well-educated cultural leaders continue to refer to the followers of Islam who, at the end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century, have terrorized numerous points around the globe as "radical Muslims." The facts demonstrate, however, that these terrorists are not part of "radical Islam," but real Islam which follows the example of Muhammad, the founder of Islam. To continue to...Read more... Read more... -->

The Effects of Islam on the World

Christian Calendar (Holidays), Islam, Other Than Christianity, September Articles

ListenThe West has often given credit to Islam for its contributions to the development of civilization. The so-called "Golden Age" of Islam was nothing but the social and intellectual properties of the societies they put to the sword. As Muslim expert Robert Spencer writes, "...Islam was not the foundation of much significant cultural or scientific development at all."[1] When the facts are known, they will reveal that the West has inordinately credited Islam for contributions to Western civilization that it has never made. What is apparent from contemporary assessment of Islam is a lack of...Read more... Read more... -->

Why Must God Be Acknowledged Publicly?

American History, Christian History, Other Than Christianity

Listen September 5, 1793 French Reign of Terror begins Since the late 1940s, many American liberal judges have stripped away the nation's Christian heritage and right to acknowledge God in public settings. Courtrooms and classrooms of public schools have been stripped and sanitized of Christian symbols, though many educators now attempt to indoctrinate our public school children with Islam—which is not only permitted, but often endorsed. This is only one of liberalism's many manifestations of hypocrisy.Why Must God Be Acknowledged Publicly While many American's generally label those judges...Read more... Read more... -->

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"Almost all the civil liberty now enjoyed in the world owes its origin to the principles of the Christian religion. Men began to understand their natural rights, as soon as the reformation from popery began to dawn in the sixteenth century; and civil liberty has been gradually advancing and improving, as genuine Christianity has prevailed. By the principles of the Christian religion we are not to understand the decisions of ecclesiastical councils...No; the religion which has introduced civil liberty, is the religion of Christ and his apostles, which enjoins humility, piety and benevolence; which acknowledges in every person a brother, or a sister, and a citizen with equal rights. This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free constitutions of government. "
– Noah Webster, "Schoolmaster of America"
History of the United States, 299f
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