Results for: "Christian Witness"


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The Christian Origin of William and Mary

American History, Christian History, Christian Witness, Role of Pastors

ListenDespite secular takeovers, the most prestigious academic institutions in America and around the world owe their origin to Christianity—including all of America's Ivy League schools! Click to read the entire article… February 8, 1693 Grant of Royal Charter Like ungrateful children, millions of Americans enjoy the blessings which a Christian culture has bestowed upon them without displaying the least awareness or appreciation of this fact. One of the many areas taken for granted is the discipline of education. Influenced by its Jewish origin, Christianity also esteemed the importance of...Read more... Read more... -->

National Bible Week

Bible, Christian Beliefs, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, November, Schedule Post

Listen Sunday before — Sunday after Thanksgiving National Bible Week The reading of the Bible was abruptly interrupted over the NBC radio network in 1941 when world-changing events began to transpire. Seldom in the history of America was Scripture needed to comfort and bring hope as it was needed that day. Yet, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the significance of the beginning of National Bible Week is almost, for many Americans, a matter of historical amnesia. Like so many, many other moments in American history, Christians were presented with a reason to be proud of their...Read more... Read more... -->

Veterans’ Day

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, November

Listen November 11, 1918 Armistice ends World War I In the United States, Veterans’ Day is usually observed on November 11. If this date occurs on a Sunday, usually the following Monday is employed as the day of observance. If the eleventh should fall on a Saturday, it may be observed that day or the beginning of the following week. Celebrating Our Christian Heritage! We are a user supported non-profit organization.  Your small gift is tax-deductible and will go a long way to help us meet our operating budget — and it is vital, because America deserves to know its true heritage. Please...Read more... Read more... -->

Columbus Day

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, October

Listen October 12, 1492 Columbus' arrival in the Americas Christian explorer Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492, is annually remembered on the second Monday of October. After a long voyage at sea, Columbus set foot on land in the Bahamas and subsequently established Spanish rule in Hispaniola. Columbus' Journal of the First Voyage to America clearly demonstrates that the explorer saw his mission as one that was to win souls for Christ. Under Spanish control, however, Hispaniola was greatly exploited; yet, Columbus' original intent was not the exploitation...Read more... Read more... -->

Why We Fly the Christian Flag

Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness

Listen Welcome, and thank you for choosing to listen.  Christian Heritage Fellowship is a listener supported organization, dedicated to reclaiming America's Christian Heritage and celebrating the life-changing influence of the Gospel around the world. Our organization remains committed to this purpose through the faithful giving of our friends and ministry family.  If you can help us financially, we would sincerely appreciate it. A podcast of this article may be downloaded by selecting the download icon on the flyout tab of the listen button. And now, here is another episode from our post...Read more... Read more... -->

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"...In times of impending calamity and distress; when the liberties of America are imminently endangered by the secret machinations and open assaults of an insidious and vindictive administration, it becomes the indispensable duty of these hitherto free and happy colonies, with true penitence of heart, and the most reverent devotion, publicly to acknowledge the over ruling providence of God; to confess and deplore our offenses against him; and to supplicate his interposition for averting the threatened danger, and prospering our strenuous efforts in the cause of freedom, virtue, and posterity..."
– Congressional Prayer Proclamation
Journals of Congress, 4:208-209.
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