$8 @ Each

He is perhaps the foremost known author on prayer. Edward McKendree Bounds—named in honor of Methodist bishop, William McKendree—is remembered across denominational and theological lines for his insightful works on prayer. For more than a century, Bounds’ works—such as Power Through Prayer and many others—have been a source of inspiration to generations of ministers and laity alike.

E. M. Bounds, as he is popularly known, was a Confederate chaplain, minister, and editor with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Having attained a position of editorial leadership in his denomination, he exercised his duties with fidelity to an historical interpretation of Scripture. But, by the end of the nineteenth century, the church in America and throughout Europe was being seduced by the rising influence of Darwinism. Bounds, however, was unwilling to acquiesce to the liberalism that was tutored by the myth of Darwinism and so found himself at odds with the Methodist leadership that was all too eager to renounce the biblical theology of John Wesley.

Sharing a common spiritual and theological heritage with E. M. Bounds, Douglas Lane has built upon Bounds’ time-honored work of The Possibilities of Prayer. Douglas has developed a companion study guide or workbook which invites readers to consider more carefully Bounds’ biblical teaching on this important subject. At the end of each chapter, readers will discover study questions, topics for discussion, and a source of biblical references. Christian Heritage Fellowship is proud to partner with Douglas in sending this work to press. We do so with the sincere hope it will be a blessing to God’s people and that it might be used to help initiate an era in which the Church most accurately reflects the character of its Lord. May God make it so!

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