Radio announcer, Jim Thorn (WYAB 103.9fm), of Jackson, Mississippi invited Dr. Stephen Flick to join him on his January 30, 2019 morning radio show. Discussion subjects ranged widely, including the religious orientation of the Founding Fathers, the oft debated "separation of Church and state," the moral and cultural trajectory of America, and additional subjects. You may listen to the interview in its entirety clicking the main image above.
About The Author

Dr. Christopher Ion
Christian Heritage Fellowship seeks to speak to several specific areas of need. First, we seek to advocate a biblical worldview as opposed to other world religions or secular humanism. Second, our ministry seeks to recover and advocate the truth concerning America’s Christian heritage and the positive influence of Christianity around the world. Finally, it is our desire to provide this information to believers (and non-believers) that they might be inspired to live lives pleasing to God.
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