Speaker Scheduling Request Form

Thank you for considering Christian Heritage Fellowship as a possible participant in your upcoming event. We seek to prayerfully consider all requests for a speaker and review scheduling and logistical matters prior to our response. To submit a request for a CHF speaker, please complete the following form:

To view some suggestions with regard to planning an event, please click this message box to navigate to our "Friends of America" page.
  • Coordinator's Contact Information

  • Event Information

  • Please include a list of meeting day(s) and time(s).

  • Please indicate whether the event sponsor would like CHF to provide resource material for a sales table related to America’s Christian Heritage.

  • Please relate any thoughts or comments not covered in the foregoing questions.

  • Terms of Agreement

  • 1. Dr. Stephen Flick of Christian Heritage Fellowship (or other selected speaker) agrees to be the speaker for the above listed Event. No additional speaking responsibilities shall be expected of the Speaker unless approved by the CHF office prior to the event date.

    2. The event sponsor agrees to pay the travel expenses of the speaker. These expenses include applicable airfare, lodging, transportation, food, tolls/tips/misc, and shipping of supplies for a resource table, if resources are desired.

    3. The sponsoring agent understands that the speaker has AV needs of the following for a Power Point Presentation:
    • Projector
    • Screen
    • Slide advancer for the Power Point Presentation
    • Lapel microphone (if possible)

    4. The Sponsoring Group agrees to provide an honorarium or love offering in addition to the travel expenses.

    5. CHF office will make all travel arrangements.

    6. The speaker's presentation may not be audio or video taped or broadcast unless previous permission has been secured from CHF office.

    7. In extreme circumstances, the CHF Office reserves the right to cancel this appearance due to a speaker's illness or an unforeseen emergency and will not be responsible for expenses or losses incurred by the event sponsor. However, all reasonable efforts will be made to avoid any cancellations and if necessary will work to reschedule.

    8. All honoraria and travel reimbursement payments are to be made payable to Christian Heritage Fellowship.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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