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Hallmark: Jamestown Ten Commandments

Hallmark: Jamestown Ten Commandments

August Now | Heritage Hallmarks | Historical | July Now | Products

From July 30 to August 4, 1619, the first Representative Legislative Assembly to ever gather in America convened in the church atRead more…

Persecution of the Early Christian Church

Persecution of the Early Christian Church

Christian History | Christian Living | Persecutions in church history | World History

Before 250, persecution of Christians was mainly sporadic and local rather than the result of a well-defined policy of the Roman Read more…

First Government Assembly Held in Choir Loft

First Government Assembly Held in Choir Loft

American History | Christian Calendar (Holidays) | Christian History | July Articles

A knowledge of the true history of America will smother the deception of the Left that suggests that America was founded as a secRead more…

Roger Sherman

Roger Sherman

American History | Signers of Declaration of Independence

Roger Sherman (April 19, 1721 – July 23, 1793) was an early American lawyer and politician, as well as a founding father. He servRead more…