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October 18, 1780: Congress Offers Thanksgiving for Divine Providence

October 18, 1780: Congress Offers Thanksgiving for Divine Providence

American History | Congressional Spiritual Proclamations | October Articles | Prayer

At the end of 1780, the endurance of American revolutionary forces had been severely tested by British military might. So dire waRead more…

October 18, 1783: Seventh Congressional Day of Thanksgiving

October 18, 1783: Seventh Congressional Day of Thanksgiving

American History | Congressional Spiritual Proclamations | October Articles | Prayer | Thomas Jefferson

From June 1775 to August 1784, the Continental Congress issued sixteen spiritual proclamations, calling all Thirteen States to faRead more…

William Hooper

William Hooper

American History | Christian Calendar (Holidays) | Christian History | October Articles | Signers of Declaration of Independence

William Hooper (June 28, 1742 – October 14, 1790) was an American lawyer, physician, politician, and a member of the Continental Read more…

Columbus Day

Columbus Day

American History | Christian Calendar (Holidays) | Christian History | Christian Social Influence | Christian Witness | October

Christian explorer Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492, is annually remembered on the second MondayRead more…