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George Washington and the Bible

George Washington and the Bible

American History | Bible | Christian Beliefs | Christian History

As a son of Virginia, George Washington was raised as an Anglican when Anglicanism was the state church of Virginia. Washington wRead more…

Thirteenth Amendment Sermon in United States Capitol

Thirteenth Amendment Sermon in United States Capitol

American History | Christian History

The Republican Party arose to champion the cause of the abolition of slavery, and to punctuate the passage of the Thirteenth AmenRead more…

The Spiritual Journey of Benjamin Franklin

The Spiritual Journey of Benjamin Franklin

American History | Christian History

For nearly a century, secularists and the irreligious have been seeking to rewrite America's Christian history to conform it to tRead more…

Can a True American be a True Darwinist?

Can a True American be a True Darwinist?

American History | Christian History | Concepts of God | Other Than Christianity

For many evolutionists, February 12 is an annual celebration of the birth of Charles Darwin. Despite the fact that Darwinian evoRead more…