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Roger Sherman

Roger Sherman

American History | Signers of Declaration of Independence

Roger Sherman (April 19, 1721 – July 23, 1793) was an early American lawyer and politician, as well as a founding father. He servRead more…

First Government Assembly Held in Choir Loft

First Government Assembly Held in Choir Loft

American History | Christian Calendar (Holidays) | Christian History | July Articles

A knowledge of the true history of America will smother the deception of the Left that suggests that America was founded as a secRead more…

Hallmark: Jamestown Ten Commandments

Hallmark: Jamestown Ten Commandments

August Now | Heritage Hallmarks | Historical | July Now | Products

From July 30 to August 4, 1619, the first Representative Legislative Assembly to ever gather in America convened in the church atRead more…