The nineteenth century witnessed enormous social concern on the part of Christians throughout America. Volunteer movements of every type arose to apply the ointment of the Gospel to the wounds of the human condition. Alcohol and opiate use were rampant, and from this social ill arose the prohibition movement. In addition, rescue missions and other forms of shelters emerged as immediate solutions to the destitute. In a like manner, Christians of this era sought to provide practical solutions to the numerous social and spiritual needs of a hurting world.In His Steps—What Would Jesus Do?
The ministry of Rev. Robert Bateman is but one example of this concern. Rev. Bateman was one of eight ministers who remained on the Titanic as it sank and was the inspiration for Titanic’s orchestra playing the hymn, “Nearer My God to Thee”. Returning home to Jacksonville, Florida, Rev. Bateman anticipated the resumption of his ministry at Jacksonville Central City Mission, which he had founded in 1904. One biographer recounted that in one month, Bateman’s mission served 1,284 meals to hungry people, took in 836 homeless men for the night, found jobs for 182 men, sent food baskets to 12 families, helped "five wayward girls" escape the brothels, found homes for four orphan boys, and took care of three babies which desperate mothers had abandoned on the steps of the mission. Such was the deep evangelical concern of this era.In His Steps—What Would Jesus Do?
In this time-honored novel, Charles Sheldon unfolds his ideas of Christian social action with the formative question, “What would Jesus do?” In His Steps vividly details various individuals’ responses to this all-important question. Like Robert Bateman, Sheldon believed that personal faith for the Christian must bear public fruit. Few literary works have so deeply impressed themselves upon the minds and hearts of Christians around the world as has In His Steps. For this reason, it is once again sent to press with an introduction by Stephen A. Flick.
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Described by some participants as one of the most meaningful services in which they have ever participated, A Service of the Cross vividly recounts the biblical truth concerning the need for God’s light of salvation and the necessity of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Dramatic imagery and readings relate the biblical plan of salvation, contrasting the darkness of sin with the light of God’s truth personified in the person of Jesus Christ. The service begins with the procession of the Christ Candle into a darkened setting. As the truth of...
The attack against the legitimacy of America's origin and government began in the first decades of the twentieth century. One of the means of attack against America and its Founders has been the issue of slavery. Marxists and the Left have argued that America was racist from its inception, and for this reason must be dismantled and replaced with a form of socialism that is allowed to mutate into Marxist communism.
In his media presentation, Slavery and the Founding of America, Dr. Stephen Flick rehearses the historical facts which demonstr...
For more than a century, Edward McKendree Bounds (August 15, 1835 – August 24, 1913)—generally referred to as E. M. Bounds—has been one of the most highly read authors on the subject of prayer. His books have been read and treasured by thousands of ministers and laymen alike. Unimpressed by novel principles and practices, Edward urged the American Church in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries to resist the liberalism that was sweeping the nation under the guise of Darwinism and embrace the simple truth of the claims of the Gospe...
The cudgel most frequently used against the moral integrity of America’s Founding Fathers by Marxists and adherents of the Left is the issue of slavery. In an attempt to completely denounce any measure of credibility in the Founders, revisionist historians have advanced a false narrative of America’s exceptional record concerning this important issue. With the West and the biblical foundation upon which Western civilization was established, America rose as a leading voice again slavery. Contrary to the claims of the Marxist Black Lives Matte...
On February 29, 1892, The Supreme Court declared (in Holy Trinity v. United States) that the historical record of America overwhelmingly demonstrated that the United States "... is a Christian nation." Contrary to this historical and legal record, judges throughout the end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first centuries have repeatedly ruled against the place that Christianity has enjoyed in American life. Rather than render decisions consistent with the legal foundation of America, activist judges have taken it upon themselves ...
Until 1947 and following, the Christian religion exercised considerable influence upon the school children of America. In fact, a thorough study of the history of American education will reveal that from the very beginning of English colonization, Bible reading and prayer was an important part of the classroom. The personal writings and official government proceedings of the colonial era through the middle of the twentieth century clearly indicate that America's Founding Fathers never intended for the Christian faith to be pushed from America...
Christian Heritage Fellowship seeks to speak to several specific areas of need. First, we seek to advocate a biblical worldview as opposed to other world religions or secular humanism. Second, our ministry seeks to recover and advocate the truth concerning America’s Christian heritage and the positive influence of Christianity around the world. Finally, it is our desire to provide this information to believers (and non-believers) that they might be inspired to live lives pleasing to God.
"This Congress, therefore, considering the present critical, alarming and calamitous state of these colonies, do earnestly recommend that Thursday, the 20th day of July next, be observed, by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this continent, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer...