Our Articles
Your Baby Was Not a Fish
For decades, evolutionists had argued that a child developing within the womb of his mother passed through stages of development that summarized the evolution of mankind, from fish-like creatures to the mature development of the human being. Evolutionists argued that,...
A Service of the Cross
Described by some participants as one of the most meaningful services in which they have ever participated, A Service of the Cross vividly recounts the biblical truth concerning the need for God’s light of salvation and the necessity of the sacrificial death of Jesus...
Benjamin Franklin Was Not a Secularist
Leaving the deism of his youth and the immorality it produced, Benjamin Franklin came to realize that the Calvinism of his youth was closer to reality than he had previously imagined.[1] Though never fully returning to this theological tradition in which he was...
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Francis Lightfoot Lee (October 14, 1734 – January 11, 1797) was a member of the House of Burgesses in the Colony of Virginia. As an active...
Thomas Paine Argues, “No King But God”
Thomas Paine did have a great impact upon the origin of America as an independent nation, but it was the religious, not irreligious Thomas Paine that exercised this influence. And, given the fact that Americans were Trinitarians (believing in God...
How Thomas Paine Betrayed America
Thomas Paine is often employed by the political left as justification for their false claim that America was established as a secular nation. The facts, however, completely expose their uninformed argument. Click to read the entire article… [pDateBox Date=" January...