Results for: "American Founding Fathers"


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March 20, 1781: Seventh Congressional Fasting Proclamation

American History, Congressional Spiritual Proclamations, Prayer

ListenThis post is part 12 of the series:When Congress Asked America to Fast, Pray, and Give Thanks to GodMarch 20, 1781 Congress issues seventh fasting proclamation There is no historical evidence to support the myth that America's Founding Fathers were Deists or irreligious. Rather, just the opposite is true. Not only is the historical record replete with the Christian character of the English colonies that gave birth to America, but from the beginning of America as an independent nation following the War of Independence, all historical evidence points to the fact that the Founding Fathers...Read more... Read more... -->

March 7, 1778: Fourth Congressional Fasting Proclamation

American History, Calendar Articles, Congressional Spiritual Proclamations, Prayer

ListenThis post is part 6 of the series:When Congress Asked America to Fast, Pray, and Give Thanks to GodMarch 7, 1778 Congress issues fourth fasting proclamation to states That the Founding Fathers in the Continental and Confederation Congresses issued sixteen proclamations calling the Thirteen States of America to fast, pray, and give thanks to God is a little-known fact to most Americans in the twenty-first century. Determined to rob America of its Christian origin, secularists, atheists, and the irreligious have widely sown misinformation, deceiving those who readily believe whatever...Read more... Read more... -->

Sayings ofGeorge Washington


ListenThis post is part 2 of the series:Our Projects $TBA Coming soon... By the 1920s, the character of America's Founding Fathers was under attack by a handful of Marxist voices. Since that era, those anti-American streams of thought have converged with ever-broadening and more numerous confluences of historical heresy. Throughout the twentieth century, the lies of the Left concerning America's Founding Fathers have succeeded in nearly drowning biographical and historical truth with an avalanche of Marxist misinformation. The Sayings of George Washington is catalog of primary information...Read more... Read more... -->

America’s Founding Fathers and the Bible

Biblical, Historical, January Articles, Products, System

Listen $11 @ Amazon Store Contrary to the contemporary mantra that America was birthed as a secular nation, the historical evidence demonstrates that America was founded by Christians who wished to enjoy the liberty to freely express their Christian faith. Lamentably, Christians have forgotten and neglected the Christian heritage bequeathed to them by America's Founding Fathers and have allowed secularists to disparage and deny what was given to them at such a great price. America's Founding Fathers and the Bible briefly describes a portion of America's Christian heritage, particularly...Read more... Read more... -->

American Matriarchs—Wives of the Signers

American History, Biographical, Historical, Products

Listen $10 @ Amazon Store All the signers of the Declaration of Independence suffered financial loss having joined the cause of freedom, and in some cases, they sustained complete fiscal ruin. These men were not alone in their sufferings, for their wives, children, and other family members were similarly objects of British wrath. Absent from historical records, however, are laments on the part of the signers' wives concerning the cause to which their husbands had given their lives and fortunes. As noted by the authors, "Such troubles must have fallen heavily upon the women of the household,...Read more... Read more... -->

Quote Cloud

"Almost all the civil liberty now enjoyed in the world owes its origin to the principles of the Christian religion. Men began to understand their natural rights, as soon as the reformation from popery began to dawn in the sixteenth century; and civil liberty has been gradually advancing and improving, as genuine Christianity has prevailed. By the principles of the Christian religion we are not to understand the decisions of ecclesiastical councils...No; the religion which has introduced civil liberty, is the religion of Christ and his apostles, which enjoins humility, piety and benevolence; which acknowledges in every person a brother, or a sister, and a citizen with equal rights. This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free constitutions of government. "
– Noah Webster, "Schoolmaster of America"
History of the United States, 299f
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