Results for: "American Legal Foundation"
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Thomas Paine Argues, “No King But God”
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, January Articles
Listen Welcome, and thank you for choosing to listen. Christian Heritage Fellowship is a listener supported organization, dedicated to reclaiming America's Christian Heritage and celebrating the life-changing influence of the Gospel around the world. Our organization remains committed to this purpose through the faithful giving of our friends and ministry family. If you can help us financially, we would sincerely appreciate it. A podcast of this article may be downloaded by selecting the download icon on the flyout tab of the listen button. And now, here is another episode from our post...Read more... Read more... -->
Thomas Jefferson’s Wall of Separation Letter
American History, January Articles, Role of Pastors, Thomas Jefferson
ListenJanuary 1, 1802 Jefferson's 'Separation' letter On January 1, 1802, Thomas Jefferson penned a letter that has been employed by secularists against America's historic legal foundation. Repeatedly members of the Supreme Court have relied upon secular interpretations of both the writings and personal example of Thomas Jefferson. Employing Jefferson against the previous historic rulings of the Supreme Courts and the Christian foundation of American law, the Supreme Court, since 1947, has relied upon skewed and misinterpreted excerpts taken from the writings of Thomas...Read more... Read more... -->
Christianity and America’s First Constitution
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, January Articles
Listen January 24, 1639 America's First Constitution Have you ever seen a car license plate from the state of Connecticut? If you have, do you remember the slogan emblazoned on it? Connecticut is called the "Constitution State," but very few of us know why it has been given this title. The reason Connecticut is called the Constitution State is because of a Christian minister and his belief that the Bible contains all of the principles necessary for happy contented living including the Christian's involvement in matters of government or politics. The pastor's name was Thomas Hooker. He...Read more... Read more... -->
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Sherman was the only person to sign all four founding documents