Described by some participants as one of the most meaningful services in which they have ever participated, A Service of the Cross vividly recounts the biblical truth concerning the need for God’s light of salvation and the necessity of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Dramatic imagery and readings relate the biblical plan of salvation, contrasting the darkness of sin with the light of God’s truth personified in the person of Jesus Christ. The service begins with the procession of the Christ Candle into a darkened setting. As the truth of the Gospel is presented, participants are given the opportunity to anonymously nail besetting concerns or sins to a wooden cross before they receive the elements of the Lord’s Supper. As this service precedes the light and glory of Easter morning, the service closes in darkness, symbolic of life without the light of Jesus Christ. This Easter, plan to celebrate the Resurrection of the Savior more deeply by once again vividly rehearsing how God has brought the world from darkness to both Light and Life!
Described by some participants as one of the most meaningful services in which they have ever participated, A Service of the Cross vividly recounts the biblical truth concerning the need for God’s light of salvation and the necessity of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Dramatic imagery and readings relate the biblical plan of salvation, contrasting the darkness of sin with the light of God’s truth personified in the person of Jesus Christ. The service begins with the procession of the Christ Candle into a darkened setting. As the truth of the Gospel is presented, participants are given the opportunity to anonymously nail besetting concerns or sins to a wooden cross before they receive the elements of the Lord’s Supper. As this service precedes the light and glory of Easter morning, the service closes in darkness, symbolic of life without the light of Jesus Christ. This Easter, plan to celebrate the Resurrection of the Savior more deeply by once again vividly rehearsing how God has brought the world from darkness to both Light and Life!
Additional Information:
Download contains suggested preparations, the readings for the service, and a bulletin outline for participants (ten-page Word document).
This product may be copied for use only within a single congregation or organization.
Please email us concerning bulk prices.

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