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Robert Bateman is reported to have been the most widely known individual on the maiden voyage of the ill-fated RMS Titanic. He had distinguished himself as a minister of the Gospel and his interest in the wellbeing of the communities in which he served that so highly commended him to his fellow passengers. Though residing in Jacksonville, Florida at the time of Titanic’s fateful collision in the North Atlantic, Rev. Bateman left behind him a trail of influence for the sake of the Gospel in both the British Isles and America—among which was the People’s Tabernacle in Knoxville, Tennessee.The Minister That Inspired the Titanic

Bateman was concerned not only for the spiritual wellbeing of individuals but was also deeply interested in their physical needs as well. Ameliorating the effects of the sex-trafficking of his day, he ministered extensively to the ladies of the street in Jacksonville and demonstrated a social conscience for other communities where he served.The Minister That Inspired the Titanic

Hours before the accident, he led fellow passengers in a Sunday evening service and closed with his favorite hymn, Nearer My God to Thee. Upon the collision of the Titanic, he escorted his sister-in-law with whom he was traveling to a lifeboat and remained on deck to minister to many others, who like him, would soon be swept into eternity. Among his final acts was his request to the orchestra of the Titanic to play Nearer My God to Thee—an effort that pointed the minds and hearts of the victims toward the realities of eternity.

Rev. Bateman was among a cluster of evangelical ministers in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries that greatly affected America and the British Isles for good. This thumbnail sketch of a great Christian statesman is sure to inspire the most candid reader.

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ISBN-13: 9798389464087

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