When Congress Asked America to Fast, Pray, and Give Thanks

On June 12, 1775, the Continental Congress issued one of its first fast day proclamations when John Hancock of Massachusetts was president of Congress. Hancock, one of the wealthiest Americans of his day, was the son and grandson of Christian ministers and was personally a deeply committed Christian. But this proclamation issued by the Continental Congress over the next decade was only one of the proclamations asking states to fast, pray, and give thanks to God. Congress Asked America to Fast Sixteen such proclamations were issued by Congress from 1775 to 1784, asking states to observe these Christian practices that God's favor might be secured in America's bid for freedom. The sixteen proclamations discussed in our book are a small portion of the thousands of pieces of evidence that demonstrate America's Christian heritage. Get your copy today! Congress Asked America to FastCongress Asked America to FastCongress Asked America to FastCongress Asked America to FastCongress Asked America to FastCongress Asked America to FastCongress Asked America to FastChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookChristian Heritage Fellowship Facebook

On June 12, 1775, the Continental Congress issued one of its first fast day proclamations when John Hancock of Massachusetts was president of Congress. Hancock, one of the wealthiest Americans of h

The Origin and Principles of the American Revolution Compared

From the end of the nineteenth century to the opening of the twenty-first century, America’s true Christian heritage has been under attack. Tragically, some Christians have mistakenly joined the effort to attack America’s Christian origin by attacking the spirituality of the Founding Fathers.American Revolution ComparedFor decades, secularists and the irreligious have erroneously insisted that the Founding Fathers were anti-Christian Deists, but nothing can be further from reality. The overwhelming majority of America’s Founding Fathers were orthodox Christians who were members of various denominations. American Revolution ComparedSecularists have attempted to discredit Christian influence in the rise of America by suggesting the Founding Fathers turned to anti-Christian sources when preparing the foundational documents of America. Among the sources alleged to have influenced the formation of America were Enlightenment authors and their writings. But, no place was more thoroughly imbued with the irreligious influences of the Enlightenment than France. While the author of this work, Friedrich Gentz, does not enter into the Christian influence on the rise of America, he does demonstrate the vast differences between the American and French Revolutions. To ensure succeeding generations of Americans understood the differences between the two Revolutions, John Quincy Adams—one of America’s most scholarly presidents and deeply dedicated Christians—translated this work from German into English. Sharing President Adam’s concern, it is once again sent to press with an introduction by Stephen A. Flick. Get your copy today... NOTE: Sold individually. Distributed through Amazon and made available when desired by hosts at Christian Heritage events. Please email us concerning bulk prices. American Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedAmerican Revolution ComparedChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLink

From the end of the nineteenth century to the opening of the twenty-first century, America’s true Christian heritage has been under attack. Tragically, some Christians have mistakenly joined the ef

The Christian Origin of Mother’s Day

Early in the twentieth century, attacks against America’s Christian origin began in earnest. Throughout world history, when one nation conquered another, the history, heroes, and heroines of the conquered nation were quickly removed and replaced with their counterparts from the conquering nation. In this way, the conquered people were compelled to forget their heritage. Christian Origin of Mother's Day The attack upon America's Christian origin has not been mounted by a conquering nation, but largely organized from within by individuals and groups that despise the Christian faith. In the 1920s, W. E. Woodward began an attack upon the moral character of George Washington that continues into the twenty-first century. In fact, the character of America's Founding Fathers has generally been under assault for decades. By attacking the Christian character of the Founding Fathers, secularists and the irreligious hope to undermine any confidence in the Christian faith to exercise a positive influence upon society. Christian Origin of Mother's Day One of the ways secularists and the irreligious further undermine America's Christian origin is by denying Christians their role of influence in important social contributions. By consulting secular sources, one seldom learns of the Christian influence upon important events, observances, and other significant cultural components. This is also very true regarding holidays and other well-known observances. Given the aggressive attempts to deny Christians their rightful place in the annals of American and global history, no one should be surprised at the efforts to confuse and disparage the Christian origin of Mother's Day in America. While this booklet makes no attempt to be exhaustive in its discussion of the origin of Mother's Day, it does provide a thumbnail sketch of the important individuals and events that led to the rise of this important holiday within the United States. Within its pages is the evidence necessary to lay claim to the Christian origin of Mother's Day in America and celebrate America's Christian heritage with deep gratitude. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lacus augue, faucibus vel laoreet id, commodo sit amet ipsum. Vestibulum ut eros mi. Nullam consequat luctus orci, vel consequat orci auctor eu. Nunc libero elit, bibendum ut bibendum ut, bibendum in tellus. Aenean turpis est, tristique eleifend consectetur non, ornare viverra eros. Suspendisse viverra aliquam metus, posuere posuere sem egestas a. Ut eleifend massa a sapien bibendum rutrum. Nunc nisi est, euismod ac vestibulum id, ultrices in lectus. Phasellus sem felis, aliquet sit amet dignissim non, elementum sed mi. Proin cursus nibh id lacus ornare imperdiet nec in massa. Proin blandit ipsum a lacus luctus vitae malesuada diam mattis. Nullam at nisi augue. Curabitur at eros sit amet tortor sodales ullamcorper malesuada vel nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent in lacus eget velit mattis rutrum. Sed sed leo a leo ultrices porta eget vitae purus. Nam facilisis neque sed massa vulputate quis condimentum risus luctus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eleifend, sapien quis condimentum dictum, arcu odio rutrum urna, ultricies scelerisque elit leo ac magna.Christian Origin of Mother's DayChristian Origin of Mother's DayChristian Origin of Mother's DayChristian Origin of Mother's DayChristian Origin of Mother's DayChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLink

Early in the twentieth century, attacks against America’s Christian origin began in earnest. Throughout world history, when one nation conquered another, the history, heroes, and heroines of the co

Eye-Witness to America’s First Struggle for Liberty

Throughout the twentieth century, the true Christian origin of America has been eroded by Darwinists, Marxists, and the irreligious. Mountains of evidence exist that prove America was founded upon the biblical principles of the Christian Faith. And, it was this Christian foundation that quickly fashioned America into a moral, economic, cultural, and military global leader. But around the world, Darwinism has been the primary cause of human suffering since Darwin's Origin of Species made its appearance in 1859. Co-opting the "teeth and talons" of the Origin of Species, Karl Marx and his disciples have employed Darwin's godless conception of "might is right" in defense of their cosmology. What most have failed to realize is that Marxists completely lose their right of moral voice because they embrace Darwinian "whoever is the strongest" philosophy. For this reason, Marxist Black Lives Matter followers lose their right to say any slave-holder was morally corrupt to own slaves. After all, if a slave-holder has the "might" to hold slaves, then—according to Darwin and Marx—they have the "right"! Because of their Marxist "might is right" philosophy, Black Lives Matter followers endorse slavery!But in fact, America was founded upon the principles of Christianity. President John Adams stated, "The general principles, on which the Fathers achieved Independence, were the only principles in which, that beautiful assembly of young gentlemen could unite, and these principles only could be intended by them in their address, or by me in my answer. And, what were these general principles? I answer, the general principles of Christianity..." (The Adams-Jefferson Letters, 339-340).More specifically, Christian pastors, employing principles of liberty, shaped colonial America's understanding of biblical republican government. A direct result of Bible translation into vernacular languages was the application of biblical principles to all of life, and government was not absolved from this consideration.Contained in this booklet are accounts of America's first battles for freedom—the Battles of Lexington and Concord—and a biblical justification for the Revolution as presented in a sermon by the pastor of Christ Church in Lexington. Jonas Clarke, witness of the Battle of Lexington, published his accounts of the Battles of Lexington and Concord and provided a sermon justifying the right to resist tyranny. Contained herein is a small portion of America's true Christian heritage… NOTE: Sold at Amazon. Paperback: 57 pages Dimensions: 6 x 0.13 x 9 inches ISBN-13: 979-8501185883

Throughout the twentieth century, the true Christian origin of America has been eroded by Darwinists, Marxists, and the irreligious. Mountains of evidence exist that prove America was founded upon

Robert Bateman—The Minister That Inspired the Titanic

Robert Bateman is reported to have been the most widely known individual on the maiden voyage of the ill-fated RMS Titanic. He had distinguished himself as a minister of the Gospel and his interest in the wellbeing of the communities in which he served that so highly commended him to his fellow passengers. Though residing in Jacksonville, Florida at the time of Titanic’s fateful collision in the North Atlantic, Bateman left behind him a trail of influence for the sake of the Gospel in both the British Isles and America—among which was the People’s Tabernacle in Knoxville, Tennessee.The Minister That Inspired the TitanicBateman was concerned not only for the spiritual wellbeing of individuals but was also deeply interested in their physical needs as well. Ameliorating the effects of the sex-trafficking of his day, he ministered extensively to the ladies of the street in Jacksonville and demonstrated a social conscience for other communities where he served.The Minister That Inspired the TitanicHours before the accident, he led fellow passengers in a Sunday evening service and closed with his favorite hymn, Nearer My God to Thee. Upon the collision of the Titanic, he escorted his sister-in-law with whom he was traveling to a lifeboat and remained on deck to minister to many others, who like him, would soon be swept into eternity. Among his final acts was his request to the orchestra of the Titanic to play Nearer My God to Thee—an effort that pointed the minds and hearts of the victims toward the realities of eternity. Bateman was among a cluster of evangelical ministers in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries that greatly affected America and the British Isles for good. This thumbnail sketch of a great Christian statesman is sure to inspire the most candid reader.ISBN-13: 9798389464087NOTE: Sold at AmazonPAGES: 49Please email us concerning bulk prices.The Minister That Inspired the TitanicThe Minister That Inspired the TitanicThe Minister That Inspired the TitanicThe Minister That Inspired the TitanicThe Minister That Inspired the TitanicThe Minister That Inspired the TitanicChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookChristian Heritage Fellowship FacebookInternalLinkInternalLinkInternalLink

Robert Bateman is reported to have been the most widely known individual on the maiden voyage of the ill-fated RMS Titanic. He had distinguished himself as a minister of the Gospel and his interest i



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Christian Living in June


Christian Living Articles June Calendar

Each month offers new and exciting opportunity for the believer, Christian family, and local church. If observed without regard to the rest of the year, any given month—by itself—may appear stark and lean. But, within the context of the Church year, each month enjoys greater vividness and importance. If one piece of a stained glass...Read more...

Christian Living in July


Christian Living Articles July Calendar

Throughout the summer months, families are preoccupied with various activities that are often unique to this season of the year. Family vacations, church camp, and other activities provide materials from which family and personal memories are made. For those of us who are privileged to regularly share in a good summer family church camp, meeting with the Lord and cherished friend...Read more...