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Power Through Prayer

Biblical, Historical, Prayer, Products

Listen $5 @ Amazon Store For more than a century, Edward McKendree Bounds (August 15, 1835 – August 24, 1913)—generally referred to as E. M. Bounds—has been one of the most highly read authors on the subject of prayer. His books have been read and treasured by thousands of ministers and laymen alike. Unimpressed by novel principles and practices, Edward urged the American Church in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries to resist the liberalism that was sweeping the nation under the guise of Darwinism and embrace the simple truth of the claims of the Gospel.The work reprinted in...Read more... Read more... -->

John Wesley on the Sabbath

Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living, Sunday

Listen First Sunday in February Lord's Day Observance Sunday Both early British and American Methodism were deeply concerned with the observance of the Lord’s Day, or the “Sabbath.” It is impossible to read early Methodist materials without being struck with the level of concern which the movements leaders had for this subject. It is hoped that the following sermon, “On the Sabbath,” by John Wesley will raise the appreciation for its subject in the minds and hearts of its readers. It may be noted that the sentiments concerning the Lord's Day as advocated by this sermon were in harmony...Read more... Read more... -->

The Christian Week and Sabbath

Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Christian Living, Denominations & Sects of the Church, Experience, Practice & Life, Methodist churches, Sunday

ListenDaniel Whedon was one of the most distinguished Methodist scholars and churchman of nineteenth-century American Methodism. His interest in the subject of the Lord's Day should be no surprise to the reader given the fact that the subject occupied an important place in Methodist doctrine and practice, but it also was one of great importance to the spiritual life of America from its inception. Unlike Europe, the American colonies were deliberate in their reverence and observance of the Lord's Day. You may read more about his life and ministry at Daniel Whedon: A Biographical Sketch. The...Read more... Read more... -->

How We Got the Bible

Bible, Christian Beliefs, Christian Living

ListenIn the early Christian Church, believers were forced to decide what books of Scripture they would be willing to die. If a book was not regarded as authoritative, conscience did not forbid them to surrender it to pagan authorities, but if a work was regarded as inspired and evidenced Divine authority, Christians were far less likely to part with it. Yet this was only one of the influences that gave rise to the development of the New Testament. The article below describes why certain books are authoritative to Christians and how they came to be so. Table of Contents * Click headings to...Read more... Read more... -->

Atheism, “Where’s The Beef?”

Christian Living, Concepts of God, Other Than Christianity

ListenBefore America decides to wed atheism and irreligion, it should check up on the character of its suitor and ask, "Where's the beef?" Atheism, agnosticism, and every form of irreligion have been on the rise in American culture for several decades as the principles and practices of Christianity appear to be losing their appeal on the populace. Atheists demand the removal of America's national motto, "In God We Trust," from all currency, the elimination of religious symbols from all public property, and much, much more. Historical facts demonstrate that atheism is incapable of producing...Read more... Read more... -->

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"...Resolved, That it be recommended to all the United States, as soon as possible, to appoint a day of solemn fasting and humiliation; to implore of Almighty God the forgiveness of the many sins prevailing among all ranks, and to beg the countenance and assistance of his Providence in the prosecution of the present just and necessary war... "
– Congressional Prayer Proclamation
Journals of Congress, 6:1022
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