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Our Projects

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Listen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total0 Our visitors may see the projects we are undertaking in the descriptions that follow. Our ministry is entirely dependent upon the generous support of our family and friends. Christian Heritage Fellowship, Inc. is a tax-deductible ministry. The support of businesses, churches, organizations, and individuals helps us to reprint classic works of importance to the American Republic and the Christian Faith. In addition, supporters help us also publish newly written works. Please consider becoming a regular contributor today! Series Articles Sayings ofGeorge Washington...Read more... Read more... -->

Build Upon the Rock: John Quincy Adams’ Letters on the Bible and Its Teachings

Biblical, Historical, May Articles, Products, System

Listen $6 @ Each In 1809, President James Madison appointed John Quincy Adams as America's first ambassador to Russia. Leaving his oldest son behind in America, Mr. Adams—sensible of his spiritual obligation to his son—began to write a series of letters to help provide basic guidance to his son concerning his son's spiritual disciplines, the importance of Bible study, and it basic teachings. His admonition to his son was, "build upon the Rock" of the Lord Jesus Christ. Though written with their oldest son-George-in mind, Mr. Adams fully intended that these nine letters also be kept and...Read more... Read more... -->

The United States a Christian Nation

Historical, Products, System

Listen $6 @ Amazon Smile Justice David Josiah Brewer The United States a Christian Nation provides further reflections from the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote the majority opinion on February 29, 1892 (Holy Trinity vs. The United States), calling America a "Christian nation." Providing not only historical evidence for his opinion, Justice David Brewer sets out to provide additional insight into the way America can maintain greatness through the influence of Christianity. Contrary to the liberal desire to deny Christianity any social influence, Justice Brewer insists that...Read more... Read more... -->

America’s Founding Fathers and the Bible

Biblical, Historical, January Articles, Products, System

Listen $11 @ Amazon Store Contrary to the contemporary mantra that America was birthed as a secular nation, the historical evidence demonstrates that America was founded by Christians who wished to enjoy the liberty to freely express their Christian faith. Lamentably, Christians have forgotten and neglected the Christian heritage bequeathed to them by America's Founding Fathers and have allowed secularists to disparage and deny what was given to them at such a great price. America's Founding Fathers and the Bible briefly describes a portion of America's Christian heritage, particularly...Read more... Read more... -->

Help Us Be Faithful to the Light

Supporting Christian Heritage Fellowship, System

ListenConcerning the coming of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Matthew (4:16) recounts the prophecy of Isaiah, which reads, The people who were sitting In darkness saw a great light, And to those who were sitting In the land and shadow of death, Upon them a light dawned. Only a few years after settling in the New World, the Puritans initiated Harvard University (1636), the first of the Ivy League schools. In the Old World, the opinions of men, rather than the truth of the Bible resulted in untold atrocities. But in the New World, English settlers were determined to establish their colonies upon...Read more... Read more... -->

Quote Cloud

"The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend all to the happiness of man."
– Thomas Jefferson
Writings of Jefferson, 15:383
"You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. These will make you a greater and happier people than you are."
– George Washington
Writings of George Washington, 15:53-55
"The general principles, on which the [Founding] Fathers achieved independence, were the only principles in which, that beautiful assembly of young gentlemen could unite, and these principles only could be intended by them in their address... And what were these general principles? I answer, the general principles of Christianity..."
– John Adams
Diary and Autobiography, 3:233-34
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