"Schoolmaster of America"
Our Articles
Christian Living in December
Often, the Christmas season is the most meaningful time of year—for both the believer and unbeliever. Many fail to use this season of the year to point to Christ as fully as they might to Christianize the world around them. While some attempt to sanctify the carnal...
Remembering the Apostle Andrew
The Apostle Andrew, the brother of St. Peter, carried the Gospel to many Asiatic nations, beginning his missionary endeavors in the Provinces of Vithynia and Pontus on the southern shores of the...
Build Upon the Rock: John Quincy Adams’ Letters on the Bible and Its Teachings
In 1809, President James Madison appointed John Quincy Adams as America's first ambassador to Russia. Leaving his oldest son behind in America, Mr. Adams—sensible of his spiritual...
The United States a Christian Nation
Justice David Josiah Brewer The United States a Christian Nation provides further reflections from the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote the majority opinion on...
America’s Founding Fathers and the Bible
Contrary to the contemporary mantra that America was birthed as a secular nation, the historical evidence demonstrates that America was founded by Christians who wished to enjoy...
Help Us Be Faithful to the Light
Concerning the coming of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Matthew (4:16) recounts the prophecy of Isaiah, which reads, The people who were sitting In darkness saw a great light, And to those who were sitting In the land and shadow of death, Upon them a light dawned. Only a...