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Until 1947 and following, the Christian religion exercised considerable influence upon the school children of America. In fact, a thorough study of the history of American education will reveal that from the very beginning of English colonization, Bible reading and prayer was an important part of the classroom. The personal writings and official government proceedings of the colonial era through the middle of the twentieth century clearly indicate that America's Founding Fathers never intended for the Christian faith to be pushed from America's classroom or from the public arena in general. Bible as a Schoolbook

Dr. Benjamin Rush

Dr. Benjamin Rush was one of three of the most important Founding Fathers—the other two being George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. Dr. Rush was one of the most deeply committed evangelical leaders of the Founders and exercised considerable influence upon American life prior to and following the American Revolution. In his essay, A Defense of the Use of the Bible as a Schoolbook, Dr. Rush addressed his thoughts on this important matter to Rev. Jeremy Belknap, of Boston. To truly understand how important this matter was to one of the most important Founding Fathers, you too will also wish to read Dr. Rush's essay, A Defense of the Use of the Bible as a Schoolbook.Bible as a Schoolbook

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Bible as a Schoolbook

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