Results for: "Spiritual Proclamations"


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December 11, 1776: Third Congressional Day of Fasting

Congressional Spiritual Proclamations, December Articles, Prayer

ListenThis post is part 4 of the series:When Congress Asked America to Fast, Pray, and Give Thanks to GodDecember 11, 1776 The Second Continental Congress issues the third of sixteen spiritual proclamations concerning prayer, fasting, humiliation, and thanksgiving By the time John Hancock presided over the third spiritual proclamation of Congress, he had signed the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776), severing the political ties of the Thirteen American Colonies with Great Britain. Becoming engaged in the political life of Boston, Hancock came under the influence of Samuel Adams,...Read more... Read more... -->

Thomas Jefferson Calls Virginia to Prayer and Thanksgiving

American Founding Fathers, American History, Prayer, Thanksgiving

Listen November 11, 1779 Thomas Jefferson calls Virginia to prayer and thanksgiving to God. Committee of Five On October 20, 1779, the Continental Congress asked the states to set “apart the second Thursday in December next, as a day of general thanksgiving.”[1] This request issued by Congress to the thirteen American states was the eighth spiritual proclamation of sixteen calling the states to fast, pray and give thanks to God. Beginning in 1775, the Continental Congress issued nearly two spiritual proclamations a year until 1783—throughout the years of the American Revolution. In the...Read more... Read more... -->

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"This Congress, therefore, considering the present critical, alarming and calamitous state of these colonies, do earnestly recommend that Thursday, the 20th day of July next, be observed, by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this continent, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer... "
– Congressional Prayer Proclamation
Journals of Congress, 2:87-88.
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