Results for: "Historical"
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The United States a Christian Nation
Listen $6 @ Amazon Smile Justice David Josiah Brewer The United States a Christian Nation provides further reflections from the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote the majority opinion on February 29, 1892 (Holy Trinity vs. The United States), calling America a "Christian nation." Providing not only historical evidence for his opinion, Justice David Brewer sets out to provide additional insight into the way America can maintain greatness through the influence of Christianity. Contrary to the liberal desire to deny Christianity any social influence, Justice Brewer insists that...Read more... Read more... -->
America’s Founding Fathers and the Bible
Biblical, Historical, January Articles, Products, System
Listen $11 @ Amazon Store Contrary to the contemporary mantra that America was birthed as a secular nation, the historical evidence demonstrates that America was founded by Christians who wished to enjoy the liberty to freely express their Christian faith. Lamentably, Christians have forgotten and neglected the Christian heritage bequeathed to them by America's Founding Fathers and have allowed secularists to disparage and deny what was given to them at such a great price. America's Founding Fathers and the Bible briefly describes a portion of America's Christian heritage, particularly...Read more... Read more... -->
American Matriarchs—Wives of the Signers
American History, Biographical, Historical, Products
Listen $10 @ Amazon Store All the signers of the Declaration of Independence suffered financial loss having joined the cause of freedom, and in some cases, they sustained complete fiscal ruin. These men were not alone in their sufferings, for their wives, children, and other family members were similarly objects of British wrath. Absent from historical records, however, are laments on the part of the signers' wives concerning the cause to which their husbands had given their lives and fortunes. As noted by the authors, "Such troubles must have fallen heavily upon the women of the household,...Read more... Read more... -->
American Christian Heritage Week Resources
Historical, November Articles, Products
Listen $0 Free In August of 1992, Democratic Representative from West Virginia, Mr. Nick Joe Rahall, placed a request before his colleagues in the House to set aside Thanksgiving week as a time to celebrate the Christian heritage of America. Tragically, Christians throughout America have failed to capitalize on what Congress did in 1992. Denominational leaders have failed to move the interests of Christ forward even on those very rare occasions when Congress hands them a gift such as this. For more than twenty years, this opportunity has lacked wide-scale support from Christians. It is no...Read more... Read more... -->
Leading Clergy of the American Revolution
Historical, Products, Role of Pastors
Listen $15 Sold at Amazon It may be argued that the American colonial clergy were the leading influence for American independence. The Protestant Reformation of the authority of Scripture and the priesthood of all believers gave rise to republican governments in lands were the influence of the Reformers took firm hold. In America, the authority of Scripture was often unopposed by church councils or any single church authority. As the influence of the Reformers spread, the role of monarchs was diminished or replaced by republican forms of government, and in the American colonies, ministers...Read more... Read more... -->
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Secretary of Congress (1774-89)