Seagulls and sunrise

Series Articles

Christian Living in January

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

Whereas the end of each year is usually focused upon Thanksgiving, Christmas, and end-of-year activities, January offers a much-appreciated respite from the demands that often accompany these important celebratory events. While most of us are still accountable to the demands of every-day life as the New Year begins, this season of the year may be employed to establish the tone of the entire year. Casting an eye upon the year that is behind us should deepen the resolve of the true follower of Christ to follow more closely to the Master. If other resolutions are all laid aside, the resolve to more earnestly follow Christ must never be. Employing all the means of grace that God provides, let us venture forth to place our footprints upon the unsullied year before us.January As we enter a ne Read more...

Christian Living in February

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

Emboldened secularism and irreligion threatens not only the Christian foundation of America, but more importantly threatens the spiritual life of believers and their churches. By denying the historical facts concerning the positive influence of Christianity, atheism, agnosticism, and various forms of irreligion seek to rob Christianity of its global influence. As a result, these forms of irreligion and other world religions claim for themselves the advances in society around the world made primarily by Christianity. "Christian Living in February" seeks to identify important Christian principles and practices common to February that inform and inspire Christians to celebrate their Christian heritage. Click to read this entire article… Many of the suggestions presented in our mo Read more...

Christian Living in March

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

In contemporary America and throughout the world, orthodox or biblical Christian principles and practices are under attack. Though this struggle is not new to the life of Christianity, it is new to many Christians who may be tempted to compromise or completely capitulate in matters of Christian belief and behavior. The Bible is replete with examples of those who compromised or capitulated in this way, but Jesus Christ has warned that only "he who stands firm to the end will be saved" (Matt. 10:22; 24:13; Revelation 2:26). In an age when many professing "Christians" are compromising with a secular world, true believers remain faithful to both the principles and practices that arise out of the Word of God. "Christian Living in March" seeks to inform and inspire believers to practice th Read more...

Christian Living in April

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

The single most important event in early Christianity was the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Long before the Church celebrated the birth of Jesus in the Christmas season, Christians celebrated the resurrection of Christ from the grave. In contemporary Christianity and secular society, Christmas now receives more interest than Easter, but early believers understood that the Church was established upon the suffering and resurrection of Christ. It was the resurrection of Christ that convinced the remaining Disciples of the truthfulness of what Jesus has preached. So convinced were they that Jesus was the true Messiah that they were willing to lay down their lives, confident that they too would enjoy resurrection power as a result of a vital relationship with the Savior of the world.C Read more...

Christian Living in May

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

May is the fifth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and in the Southern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent of November in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa. May is named after the Greek goddess Maia, whom the Romans called Bona Dea, goddess of fertility—something quite common within paganism.Christian Living in May The month of May in many ways stands as the gateway to the summer. In early America and in the best and brightest periods of the history of Christianity, believers have been proactive in integrating their faith into every-day practices, and the month of May offers Christians the opportunity to integrate their faith into private and public observances. Patriotic spirituality should be reflected throughout the month as patriots observe National Day Read more...

Christian Living in June

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

Each month offers new and exciting opportunity for Christians to celebrate their faith. If observed without regard to the rest of the year, any given month--by itself--may appear stark and lean. But, within the context of the Christian life, each month enjoys greater vividness and importance. If one piece of a stained glass window is missing, the design or story of the window appears incomplete. The months of the year should help to compose a beautiful mosaic of Christian life.Christian Living in June Many of the events of June are already known, while other dates of significance are less known. Almost forgotten in the life of American Christianity is the camp meeting, yet this institution has tremendously influenced the life of America. Once again, Christian education must be carefully c Read more...

Christian Living in July

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

Throughout the summer months, families are preoccupied with various activities that are often unique to this season of the year. Family vacations, church camp, and other activities provide materials from which family and personal memories are made. For those of us who are privileged to regularly share in a good, summer family church camp, meeting with the Lord and cherished friends for a few days of spiritual retreat is eagerly anticipated. Lamentably, too many times the ministry of the local church slows during the summer because the church deliberately plans not to minister. If the people of God are willing to invest the effort, every season of the year may be filled with significance, providing succeeding generations with the memories of Christ-centered and Spirit-filled Christian liv Read more...

Christian Living in August

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

Whereas the "dog days of summer" in the Northern Hemisphere begin in early July, they conclude prior to the end of the second week of August.-08-01">Please click to see additional events for August . . . Related Articles Article Notes and Sources Read more...

Christian Living in September

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

September offers many exciting opportunities for the expression of Christian living, some of which our readers may seek to employ in their homes, local churches and where appropriate, in their businesses. Of all that may be anticipated in the expression of our Christian faith in the month of September, renewed interest in Christian education should be a prominent focus. For many of us careful planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas is delayed too long and hasty efforts produce lackluster results, though grandma and grandpa would never admit it. Late summer and early fall is not too early to begin to give thoughtful reflection upon how we will express our Christian faith within our homes, churches, communities, businesses, and other opportunities as the year comes to a close. Remember, for Read more...

Christian Living in October

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

By the time October arrives, many plans for the end-of-the-year activities are well underway or soon will be. No other season of the year provides as much opportunity for creating spiritual impressions upon young and old alike as do the closing months of the year. In contemporary society, Christians must conceive of ways to convey the glory of the gospel to a suspicious and cynical world. Often this task is complicated by the fact that America and other parts of the world are increasingly biblically illiterate and many audiences do not readily understand the allusions to Scriptural events and concepts. The end of the year affords sanctified creativity with many opportunities for Christian edification and proclamation, and it presents some of the most meaningful opportunities for appreciati Read more...

Christian Living in November

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

The holidays of America and most of Western civilization are the result of Christian influence and origin.[1] As some of the most important holidays in America and throughout the world are celebrated at the end of the year, it is appropriate to rehearse the significance of their Christian beginnings. While secularists, atheists, agnostics, "free thinkers," and other forms of irreligion attempt to rob Christians of the heritage they have given to the world, followers of Christ must be more deeply resolved not to allow this group of antagonists to bully Christians and the world into submission. As the calendar year draws to an end, many opportunities for meaningful Christian celebration should not be overlooked. In America, Christians should make every effort to capitalize on the Christian Read more...

Christian Living in December

Dr. Christopher Ion | May 8, 2024

Often, the Christmas season is the most meaningful time of year—for both the believer and unbeliever. Many fail to use this season of the year to point to Christ as fully as they might to Christianize the world around them. While some attempt to sanctify the carnal and merely sensuous for Christian purposes, the Apostle Paul warns believers to build with materials that are most precious and most enduring (1 Corinthians 3:10-18). For this reason, Christian leaders should look eagerly upon the Christmas season with the intent to redeem every opportunity presented to them. As Christians anticipate the celebration of the birth of Christ, a couple of important biblical truths should influence the way in which we celebrate. By giving these important doctrines emphasis at this time of year, it Read more...