Results for: "Other Than Christianity"
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Where Does Darwinism Work?
Concepts of God, Other Than Christianity
ListenOther than being a successful instrument to force a secularist worldview upon the American classroom, the truly rational individual asks, "Where does Darwinism work?" On February 12, evolutionists around the world celebrate Darwin Day, the birthday of Charles Darwin (1809). In 1859, Charles Darwin published the book that gave him world recognition, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life—usually referred to simply as Origin of Species. Just as Darwinism was deeply admired by the intellectuals of Hitler's...Read more... Read more... -->
Atheist Responsible for Shootings
American History, Christian Beliefs, Christian History, Christian Living, Christian Worldview, Concepts of God, Other Than Christianity
ListenOne's beliefs necessarily determine one's behavior. Benjamin Franklin clearly understood this fact when he told Thomas Paine that atheism and agnosticism leads only to social anarchy: "If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be if without it."[1] Paine, who consulted Franklin concerning political matters, had requested Franklin to review his Age of Reason before it was published. Franklin understood that left to determine his own morality, man only and always falls into personal and collective anarchy. Examples of this fact may be drawn from early America as experienced by...Read more... Read more... -->
How Muslims Captured African Slaves
ListenThis post is part 9 of the series:Slavery and the Founding of AmericaFebruary Black History Month Slavery is nearly as old as the human race. The claim that slavery started in the English American colonies is a confession of ignorance concerning the true history of this subject, and among this group is Democratic Senator from Virginia, Tim Kaine. On Tuesday, June 15, 2020, Mr. Kaine stated from the Senate floor of the United States Capitol:Muslims Captured African Slaves Tim Kaine The first African Americans sent into the English colonies came to Point Comfort, Virginia, in 1619. They...Read more... Read more... -->
Can a True American be a True Darwinist?
American History, Christian History, Concepts of God, Other Than Christianity
Listen February 12 Darwin Day For many evolutionists, February 12 is an annual celebration of the birth of Charles Darwin. Despite the fact that Darwinian evolution is devoid of scientific support, it has foisted itself upon the world with tragic consequences. Can a True American Be a True Darwinist In 1859, Charles Darwin published his Origin of Species—which completely failed to live up to its title. Darwinism taught that "tooth and talon" were the instruments of securing superiority or ensuring "survival of the fittest." Every discipline of study—including theological studies—was infected...Read more... Read more... -->
Slavery—Where is the Moral Voice in Marxism, Darwinism, and Islam?
Darwinism, Islam, Marxism, Slavery
ListenThis post is part 1 of the series:Slavery and the Founding of AmericaFebruary Black History Month On Tuesday, June 15, 2020, Virginia Democratic Senator, Tim Kaine declared from the Senate floor of the United States Capitol:Slavery—Where is the Moral Voice in Marxism, Darwinism, and Islam Tim Kaine The first African Americans sent into the English colonies came to Point Comfort, Virginia, in 1619. They were slaves. They had been captured against their will. But they landed in colonies that didn't have slavery. There were no laws about slavery in the colonies at that time. The United...Read more... Read more... -->