Results for: "Concepts of God"
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Paul Harvey and “The Man and the Birds”
Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living, Concepts of God, December Articles, Other Than Christianity
ListenPaul Harvey reads his Christmas presentation, “The Man and the Birds,” in the audio recording provided below. A written form of this piece is also provided in the block quote. Paul Harvey Aurandt (September 4, 1918 – February 28, 2009), better known to the American public simply as Paul Harvey, was a Christian conservative radio broadcaster for the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) Radio Networks. Throughout the week, Harvey provided news and comment during the mornings and mid-days and noon on Saturdays, but is perhaps most widely known and remembered for "The Rest of the Story"...Read more... Read more... -->
Irreligion, Wrong Religion, and Politics Never Mix!
Christian Beliefs, Christian Social Influence, Christian Worldview, Concepts of God, Other Than Christianity
ListenMany argue that "religion and politics do not mix". But, the truth of the matter is just the opposite. Irreligion and wrong religion have never mixed well with politics, and every Christian should be prepared to respond to such outlandish statements. There is a group of individuals in America who have political aspirations, but they do not want Christians to have a role in the shaping of the political climate of the nation. These irreligionists may rightly be called "politatheists" for in matters of politics for these individuals there is no God. Many, many times irreligion and...Read more... Read more... -->
The Irreligion of Ethan Allen
American History, Christian History, Christian Living, Concepts of God, Other Than Christianity
Listen May 10, 1775 Ethan Allen captures Fort Ticonderoga Ethan Allen was more than a brand of furniture. He was a prominent early American and one of the first heroes of the nation. Ethan Allen (January 21, 1738-February 12, 1789) was a farmer, businessman, American Revolutionary War hero, land speculator, writer, and politician. In the late 1760s, he became embroiled in land disputes that eventually resulted in blood shed. One significant result of the tension over the land dispute was the formation of a militia known as the Green Mountain Boys, headed by Allen. Territories between the...Read more... Read more... -->
Where Does Darwinism Work?
Concepts of God, Other Than Christianity
ListenOther than being a successful instrument to force a secularist worldview upon the American classroom, the truly rational individual asks, "Where does Darwinism work?" On February 12, evolutionists around the world celebrate Darwin Day, the birthday of Charles Darwin (1809). In 1859, Charles Darwin published the book that gave him world recognition, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life—usually referred to simply as Origin of Species. Just as Darwinism was deeply admired by the intellectuals of Hitler's...Read more... Read more... -->
Atheist Responsible for Shootings
American History, Christian Beliefs, Christian History, Christian Living, Christian Worldview, Concepts of God, Other Than Christianity
ListenOne's beliefs necessarily determine one's behavior. Benjamin Franklin clearly understood this fact when he told Thomas Paine that atheism and agnosticism leads only to social anarchy: "If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be if without it."[1] Paine, who consulted Franklin concerning political matters, had requested Franklin to review his Age of Reason before it was published. Franklin understood that left to determine his own morality, man only and always falls into personal and collective anarchy. Examples of this fact may be drawn from early America as experienced by...Read more... Read more... -->