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The Origin and Principles of the American Revolution Compared

American History, Historical, July Articles, Products

Listen $6 @ Each From the end of the nineteenth century to the opening of the twenty-first century, America’s true Christian heritage has been under attack. Tragically, some Christians have mistakenly joined the effort to attack America’s Christian origin by attacking the spirituality of the Founding Fathers.American Revolution Compared For decades, secularists and the irreligious have erroneously insisted that the Founding Fathers were anti-Christian Deists, but nothing can be further from reality. The overwhelming majority of America’s Founding Fathers were orthodox Christians who were...Read more... Read more... -->

The Christian Origin of Mother’s Day

Historical, Products

Listen $4 @ Amazon Store Early in the twentieth century, attacks against America’s Christian origin began in earnest. Throughout world history, when one nation conquered another, the history, heroes, and heroines of the conquered nation were quickly removed and replaced with their counterparts from the conquering nation. In this way, the conquered people were compelled to forget their heritage. Christian Origin of Mother's Day Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis The attack upon America's Christian origin has not been mounted by a conquering nation, but largely organized from within by individuals and...Read more... Read more... -->

Eye-Witness to America’s First Struggle for Liberty

Historical, Products, Role of Pastors

Listen $6 @ Amazon Store April 19, 1775 First Battles of American Revolution Throughout the twentieth century, the true Christian origin of America has been eroded by Darwinists, Marxists, and the irreligious. Mountains of evidence exist that prove America was founded upon the biblical principles of the Christian Faith. And, it was this Christian foundation that quickly fashioned America into a moral, economic, cultural, and military global leader. But around the world, Darwinism has been the primary cause of human suffering since Darwin's Origin of Species made its appearance in 1859....Read more... Read more... -->

Robert Bateman—The Minister That Inspired the Titanic

Biographical, Products

Listen $6 @ each Robert Bateman is reported to have been the most widely known individual on the maiden voyage of the ill-fated RMS Titanic. He had distinguished himself as a minister of the Gospel and his interest in the wellbeing of the communities in which he served that so highly commended him to his fellow passengers. Though residing in Jacksonville, Florida at the time of Titanic’s fateful collision in the North Atlantic, Rev. Bateman left behind him a trail of influence for the sake of the Gospel in both the British Isles and America—among which was the People’s Tabernacle in...Read more... Read more... -->

Should Christians Always Submit to the Government?

Historical, Products, Role of Pastors

Listen $10 @ Amazon Store For more than a century, irreligious forces have assailed America's Christian heritage with defiant resolve. Ironically, their success has been achieved upon the back of an indifferent American church. Many Bible-believing pastors have advanced the myth that America was not founded upon Judaeo-Christianity. Tragically, church leaders have failed to rehearse to their congregations the vital roles the clergy and the church occupied in the birth of the American Republic. But pastors in mid-eighteenth century America believed that what Scripture had to say about...Read more... Read more... -->

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"...Resolved, That it be recommended to all the United States, as soon as possible, to appoint a day of solemn fasting and humiliation; to implore of Almighty God the forgiveness of the many sins prevailing among all ranks, and to beg the countenance and assistance of his Providence in the prosecution of the present just and necessary war... "
– Congressional Prayer Proclamation
Journals of Congress, 6:1022
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