"Schoolmaster of America"
Our Articles
Benjamin Rush
Benjamin Rush (January 4, 1746 – April 19, 1813) was a Founding Father of the United States. Rush lived in the state of Pennsylvania and was a...
Eye-Witness to America’s First Struggle for Liberty
Throughout the twentieth century, the true Christian origin of America has been eroded by Darwinists,...
Jonas Clarke—The Pastor Who Fired the Shot Heard Around the World
He was the pastor of the town where the first armed conflict occurred in the bid for American independence. On April 19, 1775, American...
Benjamin Franklin: Advocate of America’s Christian Heritage
Without consideration being given to the person of Jesus Christ, it is fair to say that probably a greater man than Benjamin Franklin has never lived who has possessed greater analytical...
Hymn Story by George Beverly Shea
Though known to millions, George Beverly Shea (February 1, 1909 – April 16, 2013) never forgot, nor was ashamed of his humble Christian upbringing. Years ago, our family began to observe the...
How One Father’s Loss Helps Explain An Other’s
During the Roaring Twenties, John Griffith and his family lived in Oklahoma. When only in their early twenties, John and his wife were blessed with the presence of a beautiful blue-eyed baby boy, and together, the young family gazed into the future with high hopes and...