Sherman was the only person to sign all four founding documents
Our Articles
Ten Commandments Day
On November 17, 1980, the Supreme Court of the United States (Stone v. Graham) ruled that a Kentucky statute requiring the posting of the Ten Commandments in the...
November 16, 1778: Congressional Chaplains Provide Thanksgiving Proclamation
During America's War of Independence, members of Congress usually composed their own spiritual proclamations, but on November 16, 1778, they turned to their Christian chaplains for help. In the opening days of the First Continental Congress...
House Speaker Robert Winthrop Stands for Christ
Robert Charles Winthrop (May 12, 1809 to November 16, 1894) was an American lawyer, politician, and philanthropist who at one point in his political career rose to the office of Speaker of the United...
John Witherspoon
John Knox Witherspoon (February 5, 1723 – November 15, 1794) was a Scots Presbyterian minister and a signatory of the United States Declaration of...
American Matriarchs—Wives of the Signers
All the signers of the Declaration of Independence suffered financial loss having joined the cause of freedom, and in some cases, they sustained complete fiscal ruin. These men...
The Truth Concerning the Jefferson Bible
One of the many tools false historians have used against an accurate rehearsal of America's Christian origin has been the alleged "Jefferson Bible." Because Jefferson increasingly leaned away...