"Schoolmaster of America"
Our Articles
America’s Founding Fathers and the Bible
Contrary to the contemporary mantra that America was birthed as a secular nation, the historical evidence demonstrates that America was founded by Christians who wished to enjoy...
Help Us Be Faithful to the Light
Concerning the coming of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Matthew (4:16) recounts the prophecy of Isaiah, which reads, The people who were sitting In darkness saw a great light, And to those who were sitting In the land and shadow of death, Upon them a light dawned. Only a...
William Whipple
William Whipple, Jr. (January 14, 1730 – November 28, 1785) was a signer of the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative...
The Origin of Advent
Join in this Christian tradition to prepare your heart for the celebration of the first Advent of Christ! Click to read the entire article… The Christian tradition of Advent is observed the four...
Letter to the Supreme Court by Sgt. Alvin York’s Son
Sergeant Alvin C. York was America's most highly decorated World War I veteran. He passed on a vibrant Christian legacy to his family, among whom is Rev. George Edward York, minister in the Church of the Nazarene. In his letter to the Supreme...
National Bible Week—When America Needed God
The reading of the Bible was abruptly interrupted over the NBC radio network in 1941 when world-changing events began to transpire. Seldom in the history of America was Scripture needed to...