Results for: "April"
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Christianity in America’s First Presidential Inauguration
American History, April Articles, Christian History, January Articles
ListenApril 30, 1789 Inauguration of George Washington There is no evidence to support the notion of atheists, agnostics, secularists, and the irreligious that America was founded upon secular principles. Just the opposite is true! In fact, thousands of pieces of evidence exist that affirms the fact that America was founded by Christians upon the principles of the Bible. Rewriting America's history and inundating the public with misinformation have been the weapons of choice for those seeking to place America under the tyrannical heel of atheism and irreligion.America's First Presidential...Read more... Read more... -->
Benjamin Franklin: Advocate of America’s Christian Heritage
American History, April Articles, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen April 17, 1790 Death of Signer, Benjamin Franklin Without consideration being given to the person of Jesus Christ, it is fair to say that probably a greater man than Benjamin Franklin has never lived who has possessed greater analytical ability; often this trait has distinguished itself in true greatness by means of internal qualities rather than by means of brilliant external displays. In almost every particular characteristic of a man, Benjamin Franklin presented a model of excellence of the highest degree.[1] Article Contents * Click headings to navigate; click headings to return....Read more... Read more... -->