Since the 1940s, a significant number of American judges have engaged in social engineering rather than being faithful to their oaths of office to uphold the law. The Judiciary

Christian Heritage Fellowship, Inc. is dedicated to reclaiming America’s Christian Heritage and celebrating the life-changing influence of the Gospel around the world. Our ministry seeks to speak to several specific areas of need. First, we seek to advocate a biblical worldview as opposed to other world religions or secular humanism. Second, our ministry seeks to recover and advocate the truth concerning America's Christian heritage and the positive influence of Christianity around the world. Finally, it is our desire to provide this information to believers (and non-believers) that they might be inspired to live lives pleasing to God. Christian Heritage Fellowship Inc. became a charitable organization as described in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code in December 2014 and is governed by a Board of Directors. Concerned with the cultural decay of America, Christian Heritage Fellowship seeks to provide historical, rational, and biblical answers to questions concerning the role of Christianity in national and global life. The Christian theological heritage is biblical, orthodox, and evangelical. The Judiciary

Though our theological tradition—as is true of all religious traditions—has varying streams of thought and practice, Christian Heritage Fellowship affirms Christian orthodoxy as most accurately representing the biblical tradition of the Christian Church. We believe that the doctrinal summaries our site affirms are true biblically, historically, rationally, and experientially. For further reading on our understanding of what the Bible teaches, please see Our Doctrinal Positions.

Christian Heritage Fellowship, Inc. is a public charity as described in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to CHF, Inc. are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law and governed by CHF’s Board of Directors.

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The Judiciary

The Judiciary

The Judiciary

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Series Articles

Putting the Judiciary in Its Place

Dr. Christopher Ion | July 16, 2024

January 22, 1973 (Roe vs Wade) was a glaring act of social engineering by an unconstitutional judiciary. "We the people" are the first three words of the Constitution, but since the 1940s, American government has been dominated by, "We the judges." Sanctity of human life, Bible reading and prayer in public schools, the display of the Ten Commandments, Christmas nativities, same-sex marriage, and a host of additional social, religious, and moral issues have been decided, not by "We the people," but by "we the judges." Putting the Judiciary in Its Place Throughout the twentieth century, the judiciary has accrued powers for itself that America's Founding Fathers never intended. The Declaration of Independence, listed four abuses (complaints 8, 9, 15, and 18) that were associated Read more...

Judicial Tyranny: The Return of King George's Judges

Dr. Christopher Ion | July 16, 2024

On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court issued a 5-4 opinion—in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges—that same-sex couples could marry in all 50 states.[1] The Justices voting in favor of the decision included Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen G. Breyer, and Elena Kagan. The four Justices who opposed the move included Chief Justice, John G. Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Anthony Alito. Each of the four dissenting Justices issued their own statements of dissent, all of whom identified the lawless course of action taken by the other five members of the Court—a course which has become a regular pattern for the Supreme Court as well as other lower courts. In fact, by assuming this course of disregard for the duly enacted laws Read more...

How Judicial Activism Silences "The People"

Dr. Christopher Ion | July 16, 2024

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, American government appears to have become little more than a judicial oligarchy, with liberal judges and other members of jurisprudence demanding to have the final say on matters of local, state, and national government. On Friday, May 9, 2014, Pulaski County Circuit Judge Chris Piazza ruled Arkansas' voter-approved ban on gay marriage to be "unconstitutional." Though legal rankling ensued the following week, by the end of that week, Arkansas' fate was sealed—by the capricious stroke of one judge! Like many states in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Arkansas passed an amendment—Amendment 83—that made it unconstitutional for the state to recognize or perform same-sex marriages or civil unions. The amendment passed with 75 percent of the vo Read more...

Kim Davis Upholds American Law

Dr. Christopher Ion | July 16, 2024

On June 26, 2015, five members of the United States Supreme Court rendered a majority decision, in the case of Obergefell vs. Hodges, that same-sex couples were guaranteed a right to marry under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Until recent decades when militant same-sex advocates violently coerced the compliance of many, Western civilization had denied social approval and recognition to same-sex relationships. With this fact firmly fixed in human history, it is remarkable to imagine that five justices presumed to set aside what all of Western civilization has recognized as fundamental to human society, but then, this decision was only one of a long list of cases upon which the Supreme Court and lower courts have flexed their judicial activism. Following the Read more...