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Slavery and the Founding of America
Listen 0 0 0 0 0 0 3Total3 The cudgel most frequently used against the moral integrity of America’s Founding Fathers by Marxists and adherents of the Left is the issue of slavery. In an attempt to completely denounce any measure of credibility in the Founders, revisionist historians have advanced a false narrative of America’s exceptional record concerning this important issue. Because of her strong biblical moorings, America rose above other nations concerning abolition. No nation may boast it did more to end the crime of slavery than America. Series Articles Slavery—Where is the Moral...Read more... Read more... -->
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Sherman was the only person to sign all four founding documents
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The Spiritual Journey of Benjamin Franklin
American History | Christian History
For nearly a century, secularists and the irreligious have been seeking to rewrite America's Christian history to conform it to t…
Can a True American be a True Darwinist?
American History | Christian History | Concepts of God | Other Than Christianity
For many evolutionists, February 12 is an annual celebration of the birth of Charles Darwin. Despite the fact that Darwinian evo…
The Christian Origin of William and Mary
American History | Christian History | Christian Witness | Role of Pastors
Despite secular takeovers, the most prestigious academic institutions in America and around the world owe their origin to Christi…
George Washington and the Bible
American History | Bible | Christian Beliefs | Christian History
As a son of Virginia, George Washington was raised as an Anglican when Anglicanism was the state church of Virginia. Washington w…
Thirteenth Amendment Sermon in United States Capitol
American History | Christian History
The Republican Party arose to champion the cause of the abolition of slavery, and to punctuate the passage of the Thirteenth Amen…
John Wesley on the Sabbath
Christian Calendar (Holidays) | Christian Living | Sunday
Both early British and American Methodism were deeply concerned with the observance of the Lord’s Day, or the “Sabbath.” It is im…