Results for: "Christian Social Influence"
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The First Prayer in Congress
American History, Christian History, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness
ListenThis post is part 1 of the series:When Congress Asked America to Fast, Pray, and Give Thanks to God September 7, 1774 First prayer offered in Continental Congress All four of America's organic laws were composed by the Continental[1] and Confederation[2] Congresses, which preceded the United States Congress under the Constitution. An organic law is a law that cannot be subverted or overruled by any other law. America's four organic laws are the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776), the Articles of Confederation (November 15, 1777), the Northwest Ordinance (July 13, 1787), and the...Read more... Read more... -->
Teacher Appreciation
Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, July
Listen Before school resumes, your church may wish to take the opportunity to demonstrate its appreciation to teacher for their service to the community by honoring them. Consideration may be given to home, public, charter, and other school teachers. Celebrating Our Christian Heritage! We are a user supported non-profit organization. Your small gift is tax-deductible and will go a long way to help us meet our operating budget — and it is vital, because America deserves to know its true heritage. Please contribute today! Click to donate Related Reading Remembering the Apostle...Read more... Read more... -->
Irreligion, Wrong Religion, and Politics Never Mix!
Christian Beliefs, Christian Social Influence, Christian Worldview, Concepts of God, Other Than Christianity
ListenMany argue that "religion and politics do not mix". But, the truth of the matter is just the opposite. Irreligion and wrong religion have never mixed well with politics, and every Christian should be prepared to respond to such outlandish statements. There is a group of individuals in America who have political aspirations, but they do not want Christians to have a role in the shaping of the political climate of the nation. These irreligionists may rightly be called "politatheists" for in matters of politics for these individuals there is no God. Many, many times irreligion and...Read more... Read more... -->
In His Steps—What Would Jesus Do?
Christian Social Influence, Devotional, Historical, Products
Listen $10 @ Each The nineteenth century witnessed enormous social concern on the part of Christians throughout America. Volunteer movements of every type arose to apply the ointment of the Gospel to the wounds of the human condition. Alcohol and opiate use were rampant, and from this social ill arose the prohibition movement. In addition, rescue missions and other forms of shelters emerged as immediate solutions to the destitute. In a like manner, Christians of this era sought to provide practical solutions to the numerous social and spiritual needs of a hurting world.In His Steps—What...Read more... Read more... -->
The Christian Influence upon the Declaration of Independence
ListenJuly 4, 1776 Liberty proclaimed in Scripture John Daniel Davidson In his book Pagan America: The Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come,] All over the world, human worship has resulted in moral and governmental features associated with the God or gods of each culture. Atheism pretends to avoid this universal global fact by attempting to jettison the concept of God (or gods), and the result has been infinitely more violent than the alleged atrocities of theists who have believed in God.Christian Influence upon the Declaration of Independence Article Contents * Click headings...Read more... Read more... -->