Christian Living Articles
Lamentably, the secularization of America has resulted in the devaluation of Christianity in a variety of spheres of life. Christian Heritage Fellowship exists for the sake of encouraging believers in their walk with the Lord and challenging the unbeliever concerning the claims of the Gospel and the implications of the Christian life. The articles below contain suggestions for the lives of individual believers as well as suggestions for the larger community of faith. These article continue to be revised and updated, containing more and more suggestions for living the Christian life.
Francis Scott Key—The Christian Patriot
Where we live is not determined by what is around us, but by what is within us. The Psalmist reflected upon God's goodness to his life and offered the Lord the praise that was...
The Christian Founding of Harvard
Only eighteen years after the Pilgrims landed in the New World, Harvard College, the first of the Ivy League schools, was established for the sake of educating the clergy and raising up a...
The First Prayer in Congress
All four of America's organic laws were composed by the Continental[1] and Confederation[2] Congresses, which preceded the United States Congress under the Constitution. An...
Why Must God Be Acknowledged Publicly?
Since the late 1940s, many American liberal judges have stripped away the nation's Christian heritage and right to acknowledge God in public settings. Courtrooms and classrooms of public...
Christian Living in September
September offers many exciting opportunities for the expression of Christian living, some of which our readers may seek to employ in their homes, local churches and where appropriate, in their businesses. Of all that may be anticipated in the expression of our...
James Wilson
James Wilson (September 14, 1742 – August 28, 1798) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and a signer of the United States Declaration...
Confronting Black Marxism in America
Uncle Tom II is an odyssey depicting the gradual demoralization of America through Marxist infiltration of its institutions. The film explores how this deceptive ideology has torn apart the fabric of society while...
Benjamin Franklin and the Bible
Of all of America's Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson possessed the most unorthodox Christian theology. However, their understanding of Christianity was far more orthodox than many contemporary "Christians." Neither Franklin nor Jefferson were...
Remembering the Apostle Bartholomew
Bartholomew, one of the twelve apostles of Christ (Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:13) is generally believed to have been the same individual who is called Nathanael in John’s Gospel. The...
Behind the American Right to Bear Arms
In the middle of the eighteenth century, the American English colonies were attacked—not by a foreign power, but...
Unsung Clergy of the American Revolution
IntroductionUnsung Clergy of the American Revolution The role of clergy in the American Revolution has been grossly underreported by most historians. However, the influence of Christian pastors upon the rise and progress of the Revolution was perhaps the most...
The Truth About the Crusades
The Christian Crusades against Muslims began nearly 470 years after the first Muslim Crusades against Christians were initiated in 630, when Muhammad himself led the way. From late in the...