Results for: "Christian History"
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Benjamin Franklin and the Bible
American History, Christian History
ListenOf all of America's Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson possessed the most unorthodox Christian theology. However, their understanding of Christianity was far more orthodox than many contemporary "Christians." Neither Franklin nor Jefferson were deists, atheists, agnostics, or irreligious in any sense. Secularists who seek to deny Americans their Christian heritage have no patrons to whom they may turn for support among America's Founding Fathers—absolutely none![1] For this reason, they seek to employ Franklin and Jefferson to do their secular and irreligious...Read more... Read more... -->
The Truth About the Crusades
August Articles, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Islam, Other Than Christianity, September Articles
Listen August 15, 1096 First Christian Crusade begins The Christian Crusades against Muslims began nearly 470 years after the first Muslim Crusades against Christians were initiated in 630, when Muhammad himself led the way. From late in the eleventh century until the middle of the thirteenth century, waves of Christian crusaders attempted to recover lands lost to the Muslims after 630. Nearly 470 years passed from the time that Muslims began to crusade against Christian lands until Christians responded with the First Crusade, beginning on August 15, 1096! It should be noted that originally...Read more... Read more... -->
John William Fletcher (1729-1785)
Biography, Christian History, Christian Living, Denominations & Sects of the Church, Methodist churches
Listen August 14, 1785 Death of John William Fletcher John William Fletcher is often referred to as the “First Theologian of Methodism.” He earned this popular title as a result of having vigorously defended John Wesley’s Arminianism against Calvinistic polemical rivals. In the early- and mid-1770s, Fletcher undertook the defense of Wesley against Calvinists who charged Wesley with Pelagianism or works righteousness. Fletcher insisted that Wesley affirmed the aphorism, “All salvation is of God in Christ through faith; all damnation is of self,” not the result of God or Satan. The following...Read more... Read more... -->
Christians Initiate American Public Schools
American History, Christian History, Christian Witness, Role of Pastors
Listen 1642 Early public education laws American public education was initiated only a few years after the arrival of the Pilgrims and Puritans in the New World. Christians began to establish the private Ivy League schools as early as 1636 (Harvard), only sixteen years after the Pilgrims first arrived in New England. The foundation for public education, however, was first laid in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the years 1642, 1647, and 1648. The three legislative acts of these three years are known as the Massachusetts School Laws and was the first step toward compulsory government-directed...Read more... Read more... -->
William Floyd
American History, August Articles, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen August 4, 1821 Death of Signer, William Floyd William Floyd (December 17, 1734 – August 4, 1821) was an American politician from New York, and a signer of the United States Declaration of...Read more... Read more... -->