Results for: "Christian Calendar (Holidays)"
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Francis Lewis
December Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen December 31, 1802 Francis Lewis, signer of the Declaration of Independence, passed away Francis Lewis (March 21, 1713 – December 31, 1802) was a signer of the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of New...Read more... Read more... -->
Twelve Books Every Christian Should Read
Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living, Devotional Literature, February Articles
ListenThe importance of Christian education for the perpetuation of the American Republican cannot be overstated! Following the American Revolution, the Founding Fathers sought to perpetuate the life of young America by ensuring that it rested upon a Christian foundation in the ensuing generations. The Ivy League arose well in advance of the Revolution and was one of the first formal attempts to enshrine the principles of Scripture in public life. In the mid-1820s, the American Sunday School Union arose as an additional means of guaranteeing that the Christian principles of the American...Read more... Read more... -->
The Prayer Meeting That Saved England
Christian Living, December Articles, Prayer
ListenDec 31, 1738-January 1, 1739 Prayer meeting that saved EnglandThe Prayer Meeting That Saved England One need not scour Scripture too carefully to locate numerous divine responses to prayer. Abraham pled for divine mercy for the towns of Sodom and Gomora, and though the limits of justice were tested, God answered Abraham’s prayer for mercy. The lives of Moses, Hanna, Samuel, David, and many others—in both the Old and New Testaments—received divine responses to their earnest prayers.The Prayer Meeting That Saved England And, just as the pages of Scripture recount God’s answers to prayer,...Read more... Read more... -->
Arthur Middleton
January Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen January 1, 1787 Death of Signer, Arthur Middleton Arthur Middleton (June 26, 1742 – January 1, 1787), of Charleston, South Carolina, was a signer of the United States Declaration of...Read more... Read more... -->
Remembering the Apostle John
Apostles, Christian Living, December Articles
ListenThis post is part 13 of the series:The Apostles of Jesus ChristDecember 27 St. John Remembered The life and ministry of the Apostle John, son of Zebedee, is observed annually on December 27 by Christians in the West. St. John was distinguished as a prophet, an apostle, and an evangelist. He is known as the beloved disciple or "the disciple whom Jesus loved," and was the younger brother of James the Great. The two brothers, and sons of Zebedee, were known as the "sons of thunder." John was previously a disciple of John the Baptist, and after becoming a disciple of Jesus was not only one...Read more... Read more... -->