Results for: "Role of Pastors"
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Patrick Was a Christian Missionary
March Articles, Role of Pastors
ListenLike St. Nicholas, St. Patrick is more readily known through the lens of contrived folklore than through what may more accurately be determined concerning his life and ministry. Accompanying the expansion of Christianity was a desire to demonstrate the superiority of the Christian faith to an unbelieving world. Often nominal Christians developed stories about the heroes of Christianity so as not to be outdone by pagans who, likewise, contrived heroic stories of their gods. Just as the Church of the Book of Acts witnessed the miraculous manifestation of the work of the Holy Spirit in...Read more... Read more... -->
The Use of the Bible as a Schoolbook
American History, Christian Education, Christian History, Role of Pastors
Listen March 10, 1791 Founding Father argues for use of Bible in schools On April 19, 1813, Dr. Benjamin Rush — one of America's Founding Fathers — passed into eternity at the age of sixty-seven. Along with George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush was regarded as one of the three most important Founding Fathers of America.[1] Though secularists incorrectly take advantage of Benjamin Franklin's and Thomas Jefferson's alleged rejection of Christianity, there is no opportunity for misinterpretation concerning one of the godliest and most deeply dedicated Christians among America's...Read more... Read more... -->
Pocahontas’ Pastor
American History, Christian History, Role of Pastors
Listen March, 1616 text Alexander Whitaker drowned while crossing the James River "] President John Adams indicated that four colonial pastors were responsible for the ideas that birthed the American Republic. The influence of pastors upon the life and development of America, and nations around the globe, is routinely neglected by the irreligious who seek to advance their agenda of secular intolerance against America's Christian heritage. Companies, organizations, and institutions routinely erase pivotal information explaining the influence of Christianity upon the rise and development of...Read more... Read more... -->
When Pastors Led the Fight Against Tyranny
American History, Role of Pastors
ListenToday, more than ever, America desperately needs patriot pastors! With the demise of confidence in the Bible in seminaries and universities, many clergy now speak with diminished moral confidence, but there once was a time when they led the American fight against tyranny.Pastors Led the Fight Against Tyranny Increase Mather In 1684, King Charles II annulled Massachusetts' charter, and leading the charge against the monarchial tyranny was Reverend Increase Mather, president of Harvard. At a meeting convened to consider whether to surrender to the demands of the King, Rev. Mather...Read more... Read more... -->
The Christian Origin of William and Mary
American History, Christian History, Christian Witness, Role of Pastors
ListenDespite secular takeovers, the most prestigious academic institutions in America and around the world owe their origin to Christianity—including all of America's Ivy League schools! Click to read the entire article… February 8, 1693 Grant of Royal Charter Like ungrateful children, millions of Americans enjoy the blessings which a Christian culture has bestowed upon them without displaying the least awareness or appreciation of this fact. One of the many areas taken for granted is the discipline of education. Influenced by its Jewish origin, Christianity also esteemed the importance of...Read more... Read more... -->