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Christian Living in April

Christian Living in April

April | April Articles | April Now | Christian Calendar (Holidays) | Christian Living Articles | Christian Social Influence | Christian Witness

The single most important event in early Christianity was the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Long before the Church celeRead more…

John Morton

John Morton

American History | April Articles | Christian Calendar (Holidays) | Christian History | Signers of Declaration of Independence

John Morton (1725 – April 1, 1777) was a farmer, surveyor, and jurist from the Province of Pennsylvania. As a delegate to the ConRead more…

America's Bishop: Francis Asbury

America's Bishop: Francis Asbury

Biography | Methodist churches | Role of Pastors

Francis Asbury (August 20, 1745 - March 31, 1816) is remembered most for the leadership he provided to early American Methodism. Read more…

Preacher Becomes First Speaker of Congress

Preacher Becomes First Speaker of Congress

American History | Christian History | Role of Pastors

Among the thousands of pieces of evidence that prove America was not founded as a secular nation are events relating to the transRead more…