Results for: "Observances"
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Congress Celebrates Our Christian Heritage
American History, Christian History, Christian Living
ListenThanksgiving week American Christian Heritage Week In August of 1992, Democratic Representative from West Virginia, Mr. Nick Joe Rahall, placed a request before his colleagues in the House to set aside Thanksgiving week as a time to celebrate the Christian heritage of America. Tragically, Christians throughout America have failed to capitalize on what Congress did in 1992. Denominational leaders have failed to move the interests of Christ forward even on those very rare occasions when Congress hands them a gift such as this. For more than twenty years, this opportunity has lacked...Read more... Read more... -->
National Bible Week
Bible, Christian Beliefs, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, November, Schedule Post
Listen Sunday before — Sunday after Thanksgiving National Bible Week The reading of the Bible was abruptly interrupted over the NBC radio network in 1941 when world-changing events began to transpire. Seldom in the history of America was Scripture needed to comfort and bring hope as it was needed that day. Yet, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the significance of the beginning of National Bible Week is almost, for many Americans, a matter of historical amnesia. Like so many, many other moments in American history, Christians were presented with a reason to be proud of their...Read more... Read more... -->
Ten Commandments Day
Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living, November
Listen November 17, 1980 Supreme Court removed Ten Commandments from classrooms On November 17, 1980, the Supreme Court of the United States (Stone v. Graham) ruled that a Kentucky statute requiring the posting of the Ten Commandments in the classrooms of public schools was unconstitutional. The Court ruled that this law violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment because it lacked a secular legislative purpose. This ruling, despite the efforts of many states to craft legislation for the purpose of displaying the Ten Commandments, has been employed to keep the Ten Commandments...Read more... Read more... -->