June 1, 2020
President Trump visited St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington

For several months, I have received emails, texts, and a phone call or two concerning a video (click featured image above) of the story behind President Trump's Bible. To the surprise of family and friends, I have explained that the minister relating the details of the Bible is my pastor, Dr. Clarence Sexton.

President Trump at St. Johns

On June 1, 2020, President Trump visited St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, which had been damaged by the fire of protestors the previous night. Prior to visiting the church, he delivered a speech to the governors of the United States warning them to quell violent protests with the use of the National Guard or he would "deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem".

Following the speech, President Trump made his way from the White House to the parish house of St. John's. Prior to making his way to the vandalized historic site, protestors were driven away from Lafayette Square and surrounding streets, allowing senior administration officials and the President to visit a Christian site attacked by what liberal media members called "peaceful protestors".

There once was a day in America when a Christian church would be attacked that a hue and cry would have been raised against the criminals. But, liberals, socialists, and Marxists now believe it is permissible to attack Christian institutions and houses of worship. And, what is more, if a president comes to the defense of America's Christian heritage and publicly affirms his allegiance with it, he is scandalized even by church prelates such as Mariann Edgar Budde, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. Sadly, General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, later apologized for his role in the visit to St. John's. So-called "peaceful protestors" throughout America have been aggressively attacking Christian monuments of every type—including churches and worshipers! And, the liberal Marxist media believe that if President Trump takes a stand for America's Christian heritage, he is a villain.

The Muslim faith always produces a tyrannical government, imposing sharia law wherever it places its feet. This necessarily means the subversion of American government as established by America's Founding Fathers. This is nothing short of the subversion of the Constitution and all of America's Organic Laws. Yet, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and the Democratic Party are advocates of the Muslim faith that is bent on destroying America. What would Mr. Obama or Mr. Biden—or the liberal Marxist media—say should "peaceful protestors" decide to set fire to a mosque?

Mr. Trump, you understand that we are in a battle for America and the Christian Faith upon which it was established. For three quarters of a century, America has needed presidents who understand this fact...Thank you President Trump for taking a stand for America's Christian heritage! Thank you, and may the God of America's Founding Fathers richly bless you!

Oh, yes! President Trump, was the Bible you held in front of St. John’s the Bible from the Hebrides Revival?

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Dr. Stephen Flick
Stephen Flick heads Christian Heritage Fellowship, an organization dedicated to reclaiming America’s Christian Heritage and celebrating the life-changing influence of the Gospel around the world. Concerned with the cultural decay of America, Dr. Flick has sought to provide answers to fellow Christians (and unbelievers) concerning the questions and objections to Christianity often posed by secularists and the irreligious. Dr. Flick is a writer and speaker and has authored numerous articles and books on America’s Christian heritage. He earned his PhD from Drew University (Madison, NJ) in history and Christian theology and has taught at the graduate level as full professor. He is a licensed minster and resides in East Tennessee. He and his late wife, Beth Anne, have two grown, married children and six grandchildren.