Now Suggested Resources
This page attempts to gather simple resources from our site into one place that users may quickly survey. Content of this page changes regularly, offering suggestions on a breadth of subjects from spiritual formation to the advocacy of the Christian faith. Themes or subjects highlighted each month are addressed by our resources. However, no attempt is made on our part to provide resources over a broad field of subjects. Rather, our interest is to provide simple resources on a limited number of subjects to individuals, businesses, churches, and other organizations that will enable them to articulate the glorious heritage Christianity has bequeathed to America and the world.
When seeking to affect our world for Christ, our users are encouraged to remember: Where little effort is raised, little effect will be realized! Your effort can make a difference!
Welcome to NOW
Audio PlayerThemes for the month of January: The Bible • Sanctity of Human Life • Secularism • Irreligion • Christianity and America • Spiritual Formation
Our Featured Material
No attempt is made here to display all the resources we offer. Rather, simple timely suggestions and material for January are presented. As will be noted, we offer additional resources that may not be listed here. For more ideas, please visit our store:
Heritage Media Quotes
To assist churches, individuals, and other parties seeking to share brief quotations that demonstrate the religious and Christian commitments of America's Founding Father and other eras of national history, we have developed our "Media Quotes." Each quotation is accompanied by an image of the individual being quoted and is bundled together with a sufficient number of additional quotes for each week of January – one per week. Media quotes are sold on a monthly subscription basis, though a set for any given month may be purchased separately.
Our Newsletter
Businesses, churches, organizations, and individuals that wish to advocate America's true Christian heritage are given a helping hand through the us our newsletters. You too may wish to communicate to your community by making them available to family, friends, customers, or other acquaintances. To pre-order the desired number of copies for our next newsletter, please select the button below.
Additional Resources
While it is beyond the scope of our site to provide extended bibliographies or reading lists of the relevant subjects that arise throughout the course of any given month, our "Suggested Resources" section contains recommendations for materials which may be addressed during January. Often these materials may be obtained online.
Christian Pride Bumper Magnet
Our Bumper Pride magnetic stickers are designed to enable believers to tastefully display their Christian faith, especially during the Easter and Christmas seasons. Artistically designed, our magnets relate simple Christian truth, giving voice to the sentiments and teachings of God's Word. But, Bumper Pride magnets will assist you in displaying your children's and grandchildren's latest artistic achievement on your refrigerator door, or simply display them on metal office furniture, garage doors, or other creative means of magnetic display. Show your family, neighbors, friends, and the driver behind you that your not ashamed to stand for Christ. Order yours today!
Notable Events
In the month of January, a number of significant events have occurred. We trust that a knowledge of these will assist our readers in more clearly communicating the true influence of Christianity upon America and the world.
Support America's
Christian Heritage
Funding for Christian Heritage Fellowship (a tax-deductible organization) is provided by generous supporters who believe in the glorious heritage Christianity has bequeathed to America and the world. Contrary to irreligious claims that America's Founding Fathers were secularists, Christian Heritage Fellowship Inc. demonstrates in our articles and printed materials that they were overwhelmingly Christian in both their public and private lives. Your generous support will help ensure that the truth concerning the positive influence of Christianity upon America and the world will continue to be proclaimed.