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Christian Living in July

Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living Articles, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, July, July Articles, July Now

ListenThis post is part 7 of the series:Christian Living SeriesThroughout the summer months, families are preoccupied with various activities that are often unique to this season of the year. Family vacations, church camp, and other activities provide materials from which family and personal memories are made. For those of us who are privileged to regularly share in a good, summer family church camp, meeting with the Lord and cherished friends for a few days of spiritual retreat is eagerly anticipated. Lamentably, too many times the ministry of the local church slows during the summer...Read more... Read more... -->

Judicial Tyranny: The Return of King George’s Judges

American Judiciary, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness

ListenThis post is part 2 of the series:The Judiciary June 26, 2015 US Supreme Court issued opinion in favor of same-sex marriage On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court issued a 5-4 opinion—in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges—that same-sex couples could marry in all 50 states.[1] The Justices voting in favor of the decision included Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen G. Breyer, and Elena Kagan. The four Justices who opposed the move included Chief Justice, John G. Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Anthony Alito. Each of the four...Read more... Read more... -->

Independence Day

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, July

ListenIn September 1774, the first Congress of the American colonies was convened to address the refusal of King George III and the British Parliament to grant to the American colonists their rights as British citizens. At this Congress and the one that followed, no talk of separation from Britain was entertained. The question was one of how to secure the rights that were theirs under English law. A Second Continental Congress assembled in May 1775. This Congress made provision for a temporary general government, an army, and appointed George Washington as commander-in-chief of the army....Read more... Read more... -->

The Christian Origin of the Red Cross

Biography, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Ethics, Christian Living, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, June Articles, May Articles

ListenJune 24, 1859 Battle of Solferino, Italy Like so many institutions, organizations, and benevolent agencies, the Red Cross had its origin in the Christian Faith. As noted below in the brief thumbnail sketch, the Christian faith of banker and businessman, Henry Dunant, was the impetus behind the compassion that has been and continues to be extended to millions around the world. The warm Christian hearts of his parents touched their own community but flowed more intensely through their son to a deeply troubled and hurting world.Red CrossChristian Origin of the Red Cross Article...Read more... Read more... -->

National Day of Prayer

American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, May, Schedule Post

ListenThe National Day of Prayer is held the first Thursday of May. For more information on this important national event, navigate to the National Day of Prayer website by clicking this message box. Celebrating Our Christian Heritage! We are a user supported non-profit organization.  Your small gift is tax-deductible and will go a long way to help us meet our operating budget — and it is vital, because America deserves to know its true heritage. Please contribute today! Click to donate Related Reading Christian Living in JanuaryChristian Living Articles | January ArticlesWhereas the...Read more... Read more... -->

Quote Cloud

"...Resolved, That it be recommended to all the United States, as soon as possible, to appoint a day of solemn fasting and humiliation; to implore of Almighty God the forgiveness of the many sins prevailing among all ranks, and to beg the countenance and assistance of his Providence in the prosecution of the present just and necessary war... "
– Congressional Prayer Proclamation
Journals of Congress, 6:1022
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