Results for: "Christian Ethics"


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Making Room in the Inn

Christian Beliefs, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Ethics, Christian Living, December, December Articles, Devotional Literature

ListenA number of years ago, Gap brand stores – Gap, Old Navy, and Banana Republic—decided not to advertise their end-of-year sales with the term “Christmas.” Instead they chose the more generic term “holiday” so as not to offend those of non-Christian faiths, or atheists in general. But Gap is not alone in this decision. Last Christmas other companies also took a similar course of action, dismissing “Christmas” in favor of an innocuous expression which would not offend non-Christians. To the great harm of our nation, many commercial interests continue to push the Christian faith to the...Read more... Read more... -->

Christianizing Halloween and Hallowmas

Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Ethics, Christian Living, October Articles

ListenOne of the great challenges presented to every generation of Christians is the Christianizing of their respective generations. Sinister forces are constantly at work, seeking to scar and mar the cultural advantages and progress that are the results of biblical Christianity. Supreme Court Justice, David Brewer, understood this fact when he penned his book, The United States a Christian Nation (see below), urging Americans to continue their Christian civilizing influence.[1] The Gospel calls every generation of Christians in every land to leaven and to enlighten—to further civilize the...Read more... Read more... -->

Andy Griffith, Emmett, and the Moravians

Christian Ethics, Christian Living, Devotional Literature

Listen July 3, 2012 Andy Griffith passes away Perhaps few photographs are more poignant concerning the common musical interests and spiritual heritage that were shared between Andy Griffith (June 1, 1926 – July 3, 2012) and Emmett Forrest (September 3, 1927 – January 12, 2013) than this featured picture. From childhood, Andy and Emmett shared a bond of friendship that endured throughout their lives. On the Andy Griffith Show, Emmett Forrest was fictionalized by the character Emmett Clark the fix-it-man, played by Paul Hartman. On Saturday morning January 12, 2013, my wife and I received a...Read more... Read more... -->

Kim Davis Upholds American Law

American History, American Judiciary, Christian Ethics, Christian History, Christian Living

ListenThis post is part 4 of the series:The Judiciary June 26, 2015 Supreme Court sanctions same-sex marriage On June 26, 2015, five members of the United States Supreme Court rendered a majority decision, in the case of Obergefell vs. Hodges, that same-sex couples were guaranteed a right to marry under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Until recent decades when militant same-sex advocates violently coerced the compliance of many, Western civilization had denied social approval and recognition to same-sex relationships. With this fact firmly fixed in human history,...Read more... Read more... -->

The Christian Origin of the Red Cross

Biography, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Ethics, Christian Living, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, June Articles, May Articles

ListenJune 24, 1859 Battle of Solferino, Italy Like so many institutions, organizations, and benevolent agencies, the Red Cross had its origin in the Christian Faith. As noted below in the brief thumbnail sketch, the Christian faith of banker and businessman, Henry Dunant, was the impetus behind the compassion that has been and continues to be extended to millions around the world. The warm Christian hearts of his parents touched their own community but flowed more intensely through their son to a deeply troubled and hurting world.Red CrossChristian Origin of the Red Cross Article...Read more... Read more... -->

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Quote Cloud

"The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend all to the happiness of man."
– Thomas Jefferson
Writings of Jefferson, 15:383
"You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. These will make you a greater and happier people than you are."
– George Washington
Writings of George Washington, 15:53-55
"The general principles, on which the [Founding] Fathers achieved independence, were the only principles in which, that beautiful assembly of young gentlemen could unite, and these principles only could be intended by them in their address... And what were these general principles? I answer, the general principles of Christianity..."
– John Adams
Diary and Autobiography, 3:233-34
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