Results for: "Christian Calendar (Holidays)"
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Should the Super Bowl be Moved to Saturday?
Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Social Influence, Sunday
Listen First Sunday of February Super Bowl Sunday At (January 2020), the question was posed, "Should the Super Bowl be moved to Saturday?" Eleven percent of the respondents answered "No," while a whopping eighty-nine said "Yes," it should be moved to Saturday. How a nation observes Sunday—or as it is called in Scripture, "the Lord's Day" (Revelation 1:10)—often determines the rise or fall of that nation.Should the Super Bowl be Moved to Saturday Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet) Voltaire, one of the greatest enemies of Christianity in the eighteenth century, once said, "There is no...Read more... Read more... -->
George Walton
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, February Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen February 2, 1804 Signer George Walton passed away George Walton (1749 – February 2, 1804) signed the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of Georgia and also served as the second Chief Executive of that...Read more... Read more... -->
Christian Living in February
Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living Articles, February, February Articles, February Now
ListenThis post is part 2 of the series:Christian Living SeriesEmboldened secularism and irreligion threatens not only the Christian foundation of America, but more importantly threatens the spiritual life of believers and their churches. By denying the historical facts concerning the positive influence of Christianity, atheism, agnosticism, and various forms of irreligion seek to rob Christianity of its global influence. As a result, these forms of irreligion and other world religions claim for themselves the advances in society around the world made primarily by Christianity. "Christian...Read more... Read more... -->
Lewis Morris
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, January Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
ListenLewis Morris (April 8, 1726 – January 22, 1798) was an American landowner and developer from Morrisania, New York. He signed the Declaration of Independence as a delegate to the Continental Congress from New York. The brief biographical sketch of his life presented below is taken from the nineteenth-century work, Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence by Rev. Charles Goodrich. Article Contents * Click headings to navigate; click headings to return. A Thumbnail Sketch Related Articles Anchor Elements Article Notes and Sources A Thumbnail Sketch Lewis Morris was born at...Read more... Read more... -->
George Clymer
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, January Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
ListenJanuary 24, 1813 Signer George Clymer passes away George Clymer (March 16, 1739 – January 24, 1813) was an American politician and founding father. He was one of the last Patriots to advocate complete independence from Britain. As a Pennsylvania representative, Clymer was, along with five others, a signatory of both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Points of significance include the following:George Clymer Orphaned at seven, was raised by an uncle, and followed his uncle into mercantilism in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Accepted a commission as captain over a...Read more... Read more... -->