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Thomas Heyward, Jr.
American History, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian History, March Articles, Signers of Declaration of Independence
Listen March 6, 1809 Death of Signer, Thomas Heyward, Jr. Thomas Heyward, Jr. (July 28, 1746 – March 6, 1809) was a signer of the United States Declaration of Independence and of the Articles of Confederation as a representative of South...Read more... Read more... -->
Christian Living in March
Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living Articles, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness, March, March Articles, March Now
ListenThis post is part 3 of the series:Christian Living SeriesIn contemporary America and throughout the world, orthodox or biblical Christian principles and practices are under attack. Though this struggle is not new to the life of Christianity, it is new to many Christians who may be tempted to compromise or completely capitulate in matters of Christian belief and behavior. The Bible is replete with examples of those who compromised or capitulated in this way, but Jesus Christ has warned that only "he who stands firm to the end will be saved" (Matt. 10:22; 24:13; Revelation 2:26). In an...Read more... Read more... -->
George Bennard and The Old Rugged Cross
April Articles, Biography, March Articles, Methodist churches
ListenOctober 9, 1958 Rev. George Bennard passes away Toward the end of the twentieth century, song leaders, when soliciting requests for favorite songs from the congregation, would often receive at least one request for “The Old Rugged Cross.” Written by George Bennard in 1913, this gospel hymn has proven to be a sentimental favorite of Christians and unsaved alike. Like many other songs of this era (and genre), The Old Rugged Cross is replete with both the Christian truth found in the pages of God's Word, as well as the Christian experience it should produce. May God exercise His mercy...Read more... Read more... -->
When Congress Asked America to Fast, Pray, and Give Thanks to God
August Articles, December Articles, June Articles, March Articles, November Articles, October Articles, Post Series
Listen 170 3 1 0 2 7 35Total218 1776 – 1784 Congress issues sixteen spiritual proclamations From 1776 to 1784 (during the years of the American Revolution), the Congresses[1] of the United States issued sixteen separate spiritual proclamations, calling Americans to humble themselves, fast, pray, and give thanks to God. Few realize that during the American War of Independence, Congress issued spiritual proclamations to the thirteen states in which they asked citizens to seek the Lord in one of the darkest moments of the nation's history. Having been told for decades that America was birthed...Read more... Read more... -->
How One Father’s Loss Helps Explain An Other’s
April Articles, Christian Calendar (Holidays), March Articles
ListenDuring the Roaring Twenties, John Griffith and his family lived in Oklahoma. When only in their early twenties, John and his wife were blessed with the presence of a beautiful blue-eyed baby boy, and together, the young family gazed into the future with high hopes and great anticipation. John loved the thought of traveling with his family to far away places—places whose names he could hardly pronounce. But, his dreams of a life of travel and adventure met with disappointing reality when the stock market crashed in 1929. Like the American economy of the 1930s, his dreams were also...Read more... Read more... -->