Results for: "April"


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Christian Living in April

April, April Articles, April Now, Christian Calendar (Holidays), Christian Living Articles, Christian Social Influence, Christian Witness

ListenThis post is part 4 of the series:Christian Living SeriesThe single most important event in early Christianity was the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Long before the Church celebrated the birth of Jesus in the Christmas season, Christians celebrated the resurrection of Christ from the grave. In contemporary Christianity and secular society, Christmas now receives more interest than Easter, but early believers understood that the Church was established upon the suffering and resurrection of Christ. It was the resurrection of Christ that convinced the remaining Disciples of the...Read more... Read more... -->

Holy Week—Christianity’s Most Sacred Season

April, March, Schedule Post

ListenWithin Christianity, Holy Week commemorates the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Among English-speaking communions, the expression Passion Week is also used to describe the same period of time—the Sunday before Christ's Crucifixion to His Resurrection. One of the earliest designations for this week in the Early Church was the "Great Week," and during the medieval era was known simply as the "Authentic." In Germany and Denmark, the popular title for this week is 'Still Week,' an allusion to the diminished labors of Christ and the Apostles during this week. The Roman Catholic Church,...Read more... Read more... -->

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"This Congress, therefore, considering the present critical, alarming and calamitous state of these colonies, do earnestly recommend that Thursday, the 20th day of July next, be observed, by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this continent, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer... "
– Congressional Prayer Proclamation
Journals of Congress, 2:87-88.
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