Results for: "Christian Beliefs"


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Remembering the Apostle James “The Younger”


ListenThis post is part 1 of the series:The Apostles of Jesus ChristMay 3 Memorial day of James the Younger James (or rather Jacobus, the Greek form of Jacob) son of Alphaeus was chosen one of the twelve apostles (Mark 3:8; Matthew 10:3; Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13). James, whose mother’s name was Mary (Matthew 26:56), was known as James the Less or Younger (Mark 15:40), either because he was younger than James, son of Zebedee or because he occupied a less conspicuous place among the twelve (Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10). Significant debate has been raised as to whether this James is the Lord’s brother...Read more... Read more... -->

The Apostles of Jesus Christ


Listen 0 0 0 0 0 0 4Total4 In the New Testament, the term “apostle” occurs seventy-nine times: ten in the Gospels, twenty-eight in Acts, thirty-eight in the epistles, and three times in the book of Revelation. The English term, apostle, is derived from the Greek noun apostolos, meaning to send forth. Its primary use in the New Testament expresses the idea of dispatch, release, or dismiss, but possesses the element of commission, having the authority of and responsibility to the one who was sending. An apostle is one who is sent on a mission who possesses authority on behalf of the sender and...Read more... Read more... -->

Atonement: Suffering in the Place of Another

April Articles, Christian Beliefs, Christian Calendar (Holidays), December Articles, Jesus Christ, March Articles, Salvation & Grace, Schedule Post

ListenThe doctrine of one suffering in the place of another for the forgiveness of sin (vicarious atonement) is one, generally speaking, that has been dismissed from the mind of the American Christian and remains a matter of ridicule for the secularist. Throughout the twentieth century, a sustained attack was waged against the teaching of the Bible concerning the doctrine of how one is permitted into a right relationship with God—known as the doctrine of atonement. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, there exists little appetite for Christian doctrine, even in those churches where...Read more... Read more... -->

Atheist Responsible for Shootings

American History, Christian Beliefs, Christian History, Christian Living, Christian Worldview, Concepts of God, Other Than Christianity

ListenOne's beliefs necessarily determine one's behavior. Benjamin Franklin clearly understood this fact when he told Thomas Paine that atheism and agnosticism leads only to social anarchy: "If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be if without it."[1] Paine, who consulted Franklin concerning political matters, had requested Franklin to review his Age of Reason before it was published. Franklin understood that left to determine his own morality, man only and always falls into personal and collective anarchy. Examples of this fact may be drawn from early America as experienced by...Read more... Read more... -->

George Washington and the Bible

American History, Bible, Christian Beliefs, Christian History

Listen Welcome, and thank you for choosing to listen.  Christian Heritage Fellowship is a listener supported organization, dedicated to reclaiming America's Christian Heritage and celebrating the life-changing influence of the Gospel around the world. Our organization remains committed to this purpose through the faithful giving of our friends and ministry family.  If you can help us financially, we would sincerely appreciate it. A podcast of this article may be downloaded by selecting the download icon on the flyout tab of the listen button. And now, here is another episode from our post...Read more... Read more... -->

Quote Cloud

"I am a Christian. I believe only in the Scriptures, and in Jesus Christ my Savior. "
– Charles Thomson
Secretary of Congress (1774-89)
Rush, Travels through Life, 208
"The brief exposition of the constitution of the United States, will unfold to young persons the principles of republican government; and it is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion. "
– Noah Webster, "Schoolmaster of America"
History of the United States, 6
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